26) Welcome Juliet

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My minds made up! Our cherub will only read the one entry, at least while I'm alive. After reading back through, some of my entries are, let's say MA 18+ rated, maybe even R.

Anyways, todays rollercoaster:

Max arrived home, I physically ran and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his hips, as he effortlessly caught me and embraced me in a loving hug, followed by a slow and sensual kiss.

"Missed you too baby." His, oh so delectable voice, chuckled at me. It's nice he still uses little nicknames for me, although I think Baby will be taken soon.

I got a peek at Juliet's shying face, over the top of Max's shoulder and immediately squirmed a bit for him to put me down. Forgetting that she would be right behind him, when they entered. He easily lifted my weight and carefully put my ballooned feet on the ground.

"Welcome" I smiled, trying to clear the embarrassment she felt, at our PDA. She smiled back but still displayed rosy cheeks.

"Come, I will show you, your room." Grabbing Juliet's arm lightly, I led her to the far room. This one was Katherine's but I will move my studio out eventually, making another bedroom for Katherine. Max's work space, to important to move, it wouldn't fit in another room anyways.

Katherine will have to do with the smaller room out of the two if she stays over. The nursery being the closest to our room, yet still down the other end of the house. Our daughter will sleep in the bassinet in our room for a few months anyway, then I am sure a baby monitor will alarm us, if she wakes, before she wakes Juliet.

I had turned down the bed, which took me a while - my stomach has really popped out - Juliet having clean sheets to sleep on, even though she probably brought her own.

She swung the huge suitcase onto the bed as if it was the weight of a feather, then looked around. I do miss having my skills. 

"Do you like the room? Of course you can change what ever you want." The room was made to Katherine's taste after all.

"I love it, thank you so much." She almost looked like she would cry.

Not to put a damper on her happiness of the room offered, I just gave her a reassuring smile and slight nod.

"I'll leave you to unpack and get started on lunch." With another small smile, I left the room making my way back down the L shaped hall towards the kitchen, stopping quickly at the bathroom closest to her room. Nature calls far to often now, lucky we have three toilets in the house. The back bathroom is barely used and I knew I wiped it down just yesterday. After I relieved myself, I still felt the need to reclean it.

Finally making it to the kitchen, I found Max had already made lunch. He heard me say I would. A tasty looking Thai salad sat on the stone bench top, as he collected some bowls and fighting gear (folks).

"No fare, you can't use your Skills to beat me to something. Not while I'm pregnant." I pouted for further affect.

"I'm home now, sit down, relax." He turned away before I could retaliate. He is always looking after me, and I appreciate it, but I'm a big girl who can make lunch. My lunch would have been Cheese toasties though, so he did good.

When he returned to face me, with a jug of juice in his hand, I wanted to smack the smirk from his face. Yes, the same smirk that gets me wet, he knows what it does to me and he knew he was pushing buttons.

Not sure what got over me but I turned into a spoilt brat. "Fine" I huffed storming over and sitting at the table not offering to take over anything.

Then, I felt silly and crappy I had done it. So, I put my head in my hands and cried. Yep, I cried.

I know now, it was the hormones, all the changes in one day and Max, as always treating me like fragile glassware, that is about to get knocked over and smashed. I should be use to it all but with the baby brain and hormones, all rational thoughts come later, to late.

He comforted me rubbing my back and shoulders till I calmed and had a drink of juice. Juliet only emerged from down the hall, after Max made me laugh, with his tails of the passengers on the plane ride home.

Lunch was a little too quiet but nice. Then I advised I was going to lay down. Now writing this entry, here I am embarrassed to go out into my own house, because of my mood swings.

Sorry for the shitty welcome Juliet. 

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