23) Up Town Girl

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Who would have thought a short plane trip would have turned out how it did, not me.

Once settled in our seats and the plane took off, we discussed helping Juliet. Max of course told me not to worry, that he was happy to help her out and could cover the moving expenses, pay for the service for my uncle, even buy the town house off her if needed.

When I questioned how, he advised me that he is actually from a very wealthy family and although his parents didn't want to be associated with his grandfather, he himself is close to him. His grandfather gives him a very generous monthly allowance, that he has lived off, since he was Sixteen. Having not needed that much money to support himself, he has tried to help his parents as much as possible, even though they refuse.

His savings from the excess over five years, is now being put into shares and stocks making even more money on selling. In short, Max my future husband is sitting on a fortune and I didn't even know. He knows I am happy living a simple life, even though the Unit and being Special don't always accommodate for that.

A very short time after the conversation, at a whisper no Normy could hear, we entered the planes bathroom. His smirk, that look he gives me, when he knows I'm horny and up for fun, prominent on his face.

The Special speed and invisibility, making the experience of joining the mile high club, quick effective and unnoticed, when he stayed translucent to leave the toilet. Only returning to sight, after the next patient had entered the toilet and before the curtain to the seating area was opened by myself.

I could not help but giggle like a school kid as I walked back to the seats. No one would suspect a thing, being way too fast for anyone to think anything, apart from urinating was taking place.

The old guy next to me was awake when we returned to our seats so the rest of the flight was unplayful. We held hands but when he placed a hand on my thigh I shoed it away before round two could even enter my head.

The landing was smooth and Max grabbed both bags and the suitcase once it surfaced on the airport conveyor.

The drive back in the F250, short but entertaining. Max blasted some old school music, he sang alone to Eye of the Tiger and Up Town Girl, word for word with a goofy grin at the end of both.

It was nice to see Max happy and care free again, almost like confirming my extended family where not out for my blood, organs or our baby, washed all his troubles away.

If my life where a movie, I'm sure the audience would have yelled at the screen, that I needed to be suspicious, when my phone rang the second, we pulled into the driveway.

I expected it to be one of our friends who took in turns looking after the house and putting our bins in and out on collection day while we where away. It wasn't. The call came from the Base office number, the split second we pulled into the drive, I answered before getting out of the truck and I fetched my keys from my carryon luggage as Max opened the back, entering the house.

Michael had called from the office to advise I was needed at base so that he could join the team out in the field.

I questioned how long; he had known he was needed and how he knew I was back. He informed me they had my flight times and looked up when it landed calculated the trip and time for baggage collection and called when the timer went off, he set. I had to laugh and tell him his timing was impeccable.

Informing him I would be there in ten, I hung up. Apologizing to Max with a look he passed me the F250 keys, as I grabbed my laptop bag from the front door table and exited.

I knew it would be a long night having not slept on the plane.

As soon as I arrived into the office after changing, Michael left, handing me a folder on his way out.

He had made meticulous notes for me to follow, on the case that they have been on since before I left. Along with it was the login for the center holograph program, coms and live link set up that was already running.

I got to work straight away catching up on the case, before Dominic's booming voice startled me, from the ear piece, I had slid into my left ear.

If only I wasn't up the duff, this case would be a great one, but I was stuck in the office, getting yelled at in code to implement procedures.

Just when you feel like everything will work out, the other shoe drops. 

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