Chapter 17 - Under the Rain With You

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Music: Already Gone by Sleeping At Last

The morning Moon caught me awake too early by the balcony, it wasn't because I woke up early. It was because I couldn't sleep at all. It was because I stayed up all night trying to find something for her – something that can save her. I sat at my desk, surrounded by piles of papers and medical journals, the glow of the computer screen illuminating my determined expression. I had it my mission to find a cure for her, scouring every resource available to me in search for a breakthrough.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, but I refuse to give up. I contacted researchers, read through countless studies, and reached out to experts in the field. And then, finally, I found it. A research team working on a revolutionary treatment that could help my wife. And, a strength that not only can cure her, but let her live a life greater than this. A too familiar name that could be the answer to everything – Pavel.

This company has been in search of a cure that not only can help humans survive all kinds of sickness, but be a stronger version of themselves. They are looking for a company that could help them look for this type of drug and sell it all over the world.

I wasted no time. I called the lead researcher, explaining how my company could be the perfect partner in this. The researcher listened patiently, asking questions, and promising to discuss the case with their team.

Days passed, filled with agonizing uncertainty. And then, finally, the call came. Pavel has accepted Doogoo to be a part of their team in creating this drug and distributing it across the world. It was a glimmering of hope in the darkness that had consumed us for so long. Pavel has accepted our invite of coming to Korea so we can discuss the terms of this partnership.

Now, I sit in my office, with the rain pouring hard outside, meeting the leader for international partnership of Pavel. I had called this meeting with a single goal in mind: to save my wife's life. But, no one knows the reason for my calling of this. No one knows the main goal is for Moon.

"Hi, I am Anton, CEO of Doogo. Thank you all for being here," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. "I believe that together, we can change the course of history."

As the meeting progressed, I found myself captivated with the vision of Pavel. The cure was not just a product – it is a symbol of hope, a lifeline of those in need. With each idea being said, I felt a newfound determination to make this partnership a reality.

As the discussion turned to the details of the agreement, my thoughts drift to Moon. how would she react knowing that help is almost at the tip of our fingers?

With a firm handshake, we have sealed the deal with Pavel, setting the stage for a collaboration that would shape the future of medicine. As the leader of Pavel leaves the boardroom, I lingered in here, a mix of emotions swirling as everything comes into place. I knew the road ahead of Moon would be challenging, but for the first time, I felt a glimmer of hope.

Making my way home from work, I open the door to find an empty room.

"Moon!" I call out but there's no answer – only silence and the sound or hard rain outside.

I drop my bag on the couch and continue to look around for her. Walking in the living room, there's no sound of her.

"Moon." I call again as I walk through the kitchen but there's no sign of her.

Suddenly, the wind blows through the curtain and it touches my neck – catching my attention. The door that leads to our garden is wide open.

As I hurry through the garden, calling our Moon's name, my heart sinks at the sight in front of me. There, lying on the wet ground, is Moon, her face contorted in pain as she clutches her head.

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