Chapter 19 - A New Beginning

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Music: Love of My Life by Avery Lynch

I remember the night of our honeymoon. We spent it walking on the beach until our feet hurt so much we had to sit down somewhere.

"Let's sit there," I tell Anton as I point to a spot.

Little did he know, that I planned this spot.

"Okay." He nods as we make our way there.

I let him walk in front of me so that he's the first to see the box in front.

"Oh." He says as he looks back at me. "I think someone left this here.

"It's okay. I can use that to rest my back. It's been hurting for a while."

Well, that wasn't a lie. I do feel my back hurting from our long walk. Sitting down, we bury our feet on the sand and watch as everything turns into a photograph in front of us. Turning around, I grab the box and put it on his lap.

"Actually, no one left it." I say, excitement fills my eyes. "It's for you."

His eyes widen but he takes the box and takes the lid off. He reaches down to reveal a black knitted blanket. The wind blows it out and it opens fully.

"Did you make this?" He asks, his hands gripping onto it so it doesn't fly.

I nod. "It was difficult at first but once I got used to it, it was a speedy project."

"Moon!" He yells in excitement.

Taking the blanket he puts it over us and we find comfort under it. I rest my head on his shoulder and we stay like this for a while. Anton turns to look at me and I admire the moonlight dancing on his features, highlighting the lines of his face, the curve of his lips, and the depth of his eyes.

"Moon." He says, his voice low. "Thank you for marrying me."

I laugh at his words. "Why wouldn't I?"

Watching him, I see the tears fill up on the corners of his eyes. Taking my hands, he places it in his and caresses them with his thumbs.

"Thank you for choosing me, Moon. I know you could have met someone better and someone without a past like mine. But, you chose me and I will forever be grateful for the life you're willing to spend with me."

"Anton.." I trail off as I watch him in front of me. "I will always choose you."

The tears escape his eyes and his gaze is locked in mine. "I love you more than words can say. Thank you for choosing a lifetime of love and happiness with me."

"Anton, I should be grateful for you. You have given me so much to live for. You have shown me a life worth living and a life worth remembering." He smiles at me, a tender expression that melts my heart.

As we stay here together, wrapped under this blanket, I knew that I made the right choice. I chose him, and he chose me, and together, we will always choose love.

Anton rolls the blanket and returns it in the box.

"Come on." He says as he grabs my hand and she stands us both up. "Let's make this beach our own."

The whole night, we spent it soaking our feet in the cold water. The night draped the world in silvery glow, as if the moon had spilled its gentle light across the sea's canvas. The breach stretched out before us, and we took full advantage of it. We found ourselves drawn in the tranquil symphony of the night and the moonlight pulled towards the soothing waves. Our laughter echoes in the stillness of the night and the cool waves embrace us like an old friend, sending shivers down our spines as we wade deeper into the ocean's embrace. Under the watchful gaze of the moon, we splashed water like carefree children, the weight of the world slipping away from us. Yes, this was how it was supposed to be for us when we were younger. This was the life we should have lived before. But, now that we're older, we don't miss an opportunity. Our laughters flow with the lullaby of the waves, creating an orchestra of laughter and joy that resonated through the night. For a timeless moment, we stay like this, our clothes clinging to our skin. Anton wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace, our love overflowing.

"I love you, Moon." he whispered, his words a promise we made under the night sky.

As I looked up at him, our eyes met – shining with unshed tears. I whispered back the words that overflowed in my heart.

"Thank you for being my moonlight, Anton."

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