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Taura's POV

Worked until pretty late, stayed in the hospitality with George because even though we already had data from this track, we still had to change some things after the practices.

George yawned. "I am going back to the hotel" he was already getting up.

"Yeah same" I closed my laptop. I was tired too, I was pretty much tired every single day if I was honest.

"You're doing a good job by the way" George said before he left. "Even without your vibrator"

He laughed as he walked out of the hospitality. God, that joke was so old already.

"Get over it already" I yelled.

"He's right though" Lewis said from behind me. Didn't even know that he was still here. "We are lucky to have you"

"Uh thanks" I smiled.

Felt a little bit more confident too.

Drove with a smile on my face back to the hotel. Definitely needed some motivational words from Lewis.

But my smile dropped as soon as I walked in the hallway of my hotel.

"What are you doing here?" I looked at Lando, who was standing with his hands in his pockets, looking at me.

He shrugged a little. "Needed to see you"

I sighed. I was so tired of his games, constantly trying to play me. "Go to your girlfriend, I'm too tired to deal with you"

"Can you just talk to me for a second?" He asked.

I shook my head, while walking away. "No, I don't need to talk to you"

"Then just listen please" he walked after me, grabbed my hand but I immediately took my hand back. "I also don't need to listen to you"

I wasn't gonna fall for this handsome fucker again.

"C'mon Knox" he sighed a little, which annoyed me even more. Why did he think I had to talk or listen to him?

I rolled my eyes, didn't even want to look at him, because I didn't know how much longer I could resist him.

So I walked away again, but this time Lando was faster. He put his hand on the wall, blocking my way.

"Leave me the fuck alone Norri-" and even before I could finish my sentence, he kissed me.

My back was pressed against the wall, his lips on mine.

And I know I should've pushed him away, slapped him right across his face.

But I didn't.

Lando's hand was on the wall, the other on my cheek and let me tell you, this kiss was magical.

It started with a little peck, but got more passionate pretty soon.
His tongue brushed against mine, with little soft strokes.

I never experienced such a soft kiss. It was honestly beautiful.

"I definitely don't hat-" he mumbled on my lips but I quickly pushed him away.

What the fuck were we doing?

"You have a girlfriend" I said when I came back to reality, back on earth. "You shouldn't have done that"

"Can you just liste-"

"No, you're playing with both of us right now"

Felt bad for his girlfriend, bad for myself too because he was going to fuck his girlfriend straight after he kissed me.

I shook my head, walking as fast as I could to my hotel room.

"Taura, please wait" he asked.

It was the first time he called me by my first name. The first time I heard it.

And unfortunately, it sounded amazing.

Thought for a slight moment to stop, but if I stopped walking, then he would suck me right back in.
Let me fall on my face all over again.

"Let's just go back to hating each other, okay?" I said, not looking at him. "It was way easier"

Didn't mean that. Couldn't go back.

I would never forget that kiss. I would never forget the feeling of his hand on my cheek, his taste, his little smile after our kiss.

Opened my door and wanted to close it as quickly as I could, but once again he was faster. Put his hand on my door, pushing it open.

"Can you just shut up for a moment and let me talk?" He sounded annoyed, but smiled right after.

"I dump-"

"Hi Taurs, ready for our date?" Max said as he walked up to us.

Lando looked at him, looked back at me and took a step away from the door.

Bit the inside of his cheek and did the thing with his jaw when he got annoyed or jealous.
You know what I mean.

"Max" he nodded at him. "Lando" Max nodded right back, smile on his face.

"Have a good night" Lando mumbled, not looking at Max anymore, but at me.


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