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“Mommy sweepy..”

Heejin mumbled quietly as
she watched her mommy,
a soft pout on her squishy face.

Her daddy was rocking her gently
and pressing little kisses on her
freckled, chubby cheeks but the
small girl just couldn't take her
eyes off her mommy.

“Yeah, mommy is very sleepy,
isn't he?”

Changbin chuckled when his
fiancé only huffed tiredly and
blinked cutely at his loved ones.

He hadn't really slept well the
past night because his kids had
been dancing and working on
their Megaverse choreography
skills between midnight and 3am.

And their daughter was still too
small to fully understand how
exhausted her mommy sometimes
was because of the twins.

“Morning, princess.”

The older male smiled softly at
his fiancé as he carefully sat down
beside him on the mattress, reaching
one hand out to place it on Felix's
belly while he pressed a soft kiss
on the younger's forehead.

“Morning, Binnie.
Good morning, little nugget.”

The freckled boy cooed at his
small daughter and giggled when
she also placed a wet kiss on
her mommy's cheek.

She was a little angel,
she truly was.

Getting used to her mommy not
being able to carry her as much
anymore, to not being able to play
with her was hard but she was
doing so well.

Whenever she'd get upset about
Felix being exhausted, her daddy
would explain to her again that
her mommy was often sleepy
because of her two siblings.

“Should we go make breakfast
and give mommy some time
to get up, hm?”

Changbin asked their little nugget
and smiled that adorable smile Felix
fell in love with all those years ago.

It was still so unbelievably amazing
to see what a great dad the
ravenette was.

After struggling with the thought
of having children for such a long
time Changbin turned out to
be a natural perfect dad.

A soft sigh escaped the freckled boy
as he pushed himself up, one hand
automatically coming to rest on
his growing belly.

There were still four more months
to go until the twins’ due date but
he already looked exactly how he
had looked a week before his
daughter's birth.

“Hi babies.
Are you sleeping now that
mommy has to get up?”

Felix chuckled half-heartedly
when he didn't get a reaction from
his unborn children and slipped
his feet in his light pink slippers
before he made his way to
the bathroom.

His silver hair was a mess,
black roots growing out,
his freckled cheeks were puffy
and his eyes decorated with
dark bags under them.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now