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can you please stay still, hm?”

“But daddy!”

Tiny Heejin squealed as she
kicked her legs, not quite happy
about keeping her feet still so
Changbin could put her shoes on.

“No, sweetie. We can't go to
daycare without shoes, right?”

The ravenette chuckled and put
the second shoe on with a swift
move before his daughter could
start protesting again.

He knew that it was never nice
to have a rushed morning, especially
not for their daughter who liked to
take her sweet time with
literally everything.

But right now he desperately
needed to bring his little girl to
the daycare so he could put his
complete attention on his
sick fiancé.

A simple cold normally wouldn't
make Changbin take a day off and
sort of bring their daughter away
but since Felix was pregnant with
twins, even the slightest illness
could turn into something dangerous
if not handled the right way.

Which meant total bed rest
for the freckled male.


Heejin huffed cutely when her
father picked her up in one arm
and grabbed her tiny backpack
with the other hand so they could
make their way to the car.


“Say mommy bye bye?”

“We'll wave mommy from here, okay?
Mommy is sleeping very deeply now
so we don't want to wake him up,


The little girl nodded and waved
her tiny hand in the direction of
the bedroom where Felix was.

She was such a sweet soul,
barely throwing a tantrum and
always being so understanding.

As much as a one year old could
be who couldn't fully understand
what was actually going on.

Changbin placed a soft kiss on his
daughter's chubby cheek when she
pouted and gave her a smile when she
looked at him with her big feline eyes.

“Let's go, nugget.
I bet your friends are waiting, hm?”

I made some tea for you.”

Changbin smiled at his sleepy
fiancé and placed the cup of tea
on the bedside table.

The younger's silver hair was a mess,
his face flushed and eyes teary and
Changbin couldn't help but cup the
male's cheeks and press a kiss
on his forehead.

“Binnie, you'll get sick too.”

“I won't. I'll eat all the fruits
together with you so my immune
system will stay strong.”


“Mhm, I bought some things
on the way back home.
Are you up for some apples?”

“Yeah but can I have some yogurt
first? My throat is so sore.”

Felix pouted as he placed his hands
on his tummy, caressing it gently.

“Anything for you, my love.
But drink some tea too, it might
help with your throat.”

Changbin cooed as he handed
the cup of tea to his fiancé and gave
his tummy a gentle pat to say hi
to his kids.

“Babies are quiet lately, it's weird.”

“Do you want me to call Dr Yoo?”

“No, it's not that they're not moving
at all. They're just not as playful.”

“Well, they let their mommy rest
because they know you're not
feeling well. Right, babies?”

But the two little beans didn't budge,
not even when Felix pressed his
fingers gently against his
stretched skin.

“Maybe I should take a bath,
they love bathing.”

“We have a bath additive that
helps with your cold.”

And Changbin knew very well
that there was something specific
on his fiancé's mind when the
freckled male pouted at him
with sparkling eyes.

“Join me?”

It's been a while since the two
had found themselves together
in their bathtub, Felix's back
pressed against his fiancé's buff
chest and the older's muscular
arms safely wrapped around
Felix's tiny frame.

The freckled beauty had his
head resting against Changbin's,
his tired eyes closed but a smile
resting on his face at the feeling
of his babies responding to their
daddy's gentle touches.

Just like he had said, the two
unborn beans had immediately
woken up the moment their
mommy had sat down in the
warm water and were now
happily pressing their tiny feet
against Changbin's palm that was
resting on his fiancé's baby bump.

“Three more months, huh?
I can't wait to meet them.”

“Me neither.
I wonder if you're right again.”

“I'm telling you,
I know my Seo girls.
Right, babies?”

And Felix could only snort when
his fiancé actually got a strong,
rather uncomfortable kick in return.

In all honesty the freckled boy
didn't mind at all if they'd get two
more girls but just to prove that
Changbin was wrong for once,
he secretly hoped for at least
one little boy.

And let's be honest,
a tiny chubby boy with freckled
cheeks and curly hair would
be really fucking adorable.

Am I the only one being a little disappointed in Skz's Met Gala outfits?

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Am I the only one being a little disappointed in Skz's Met Gala outfits?

I mean, they're handsome as always but their outfits are so boring,
just my opinion :')

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