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Seungmin had always known that
he was quite the lucky man.

And in moments like these he
often thought that he didn't deserve
his boyfriend, not at all.

Hyunjin was gorgeous.

He was funny, a goofball with
the cutest laugh and eye smile,
one of the most understanding
and caring people Seungmin had
ever met and as if that wasn't
already husband material, he
had the God-like looks too.

His long black hair was shimmering
in the warm sunlight peeking through
the slightly open curtains, golden
spots dancing on his light skin as
his eyelids fluttered softly.

One leg was entangled in his blanket,
his other one sprawled out just like
his arm in search of his loved one
on the other side of the mattress.

And when a soft sigh escaped
the puppy-like brunette, Hyunjin
slowly opened one eye a bit just to
give his boyfriend a sleepy smile.

“Morning pup..”

His voice was husky and laced
with sleep and Seungmin found it
so unbelievably attractive that,
even after waking up to this for
over three years now, he still
blushed cutely.

“Do you want to come here
or continue staring?”

The ravenette giggled at his adorable
boyfriend and opened his arms for
Seungmin to snuggle close when
the brunette made his way
over to the bed.

“You just woke up and
you're already mean to me.”

“I'm not being mean,
it was a reasonable question!
You looked quite busy.”


Seungmin huffed as he rested his
head on his boyfriend's bare chest,
allowing the other to pull him
closer by his waist.

“You love me though.”

“You're probably right.”

And Hyunjin could only chuckle
quietly to himself before he pressed a
soft kiss on top of the younger's head.

He was glad that even after all
the stress of moving again,
their relationship hadn't
crumbled one bit.

But he also knew that there was
something bugging the younger
man and it was so obvious every
single time he came home from
meeting up with Felix and Jisung.

And Hyunjin knew the reason
very well, he just didn't have any
idea how to address it.

They have had enough talks
about kids for the ravenette to
know that Seungmin didn't really
want a child at the moment.

He just wasn't sure if it was more
that he didn't want a child at the
moment or he didn't want a
child at the moment.

Hyunjin couldn't deny that the
thought of him carrying their child
had crossed his mind for quite a few
times the past weeks but he just really
didn't know how to address it in fear
of making his loved one upset.

He didn't want to be pushy and
he promised to wait for how
long Seungmin needed.

“You're frowning.”

The puppy-like boy noted as he
looked up at the older's face and lifted
his hand up to cup Hyunjin's cheek.

“What's wrong?”


“You wouldn't frown
if it was nothing.”

But the ravenette could only sigh
and leaned down to place a little peck
on the tip of his boyfriend's nose.

“We should talk about this
another day, I don't want to
ruin our morning.”

“I don't think there's much that
could ruin my morning unless you're
cheating or breaking up with me..
Or telling me you'll shave
your pretty hair off.”

Seungmin giggled as he ran his
hand from the older's cheek to
his beautiful, long hair, brushing
a stray strand behind his ear.

“Then I guess it's good that it's
neither of those. But I'm still not
gonna tell you because instead I'll.. “

A cute squeak escaped the puppy
boy when Hyunjin pulled him close,
squishing him tightly and nuzzling
his nose against the younger's cheek.

“Snuggle you to death.”

And at his boyfriend's cutest laughs
and giggles the ravenette could
feel his heart melt in his chest.

Seungmin was undoubtedly one
of the cutest human beings he has
ever met, even if he was the spawn
of Satan sometimes.

“I really love you, pup.
You know that, right?”

The sudden seriousness in the
older's voice scared the younger male
a little but he nodded nonetheless
as he rested his head on his
boyfriend's chest again.

“I do. I love you too, Jinnie.”

Hyunjin's hand was wandering
up and down the younger's waist
ever so gently, tracing his fingertips
over the bare skin under the shirt
as if he was holding the most fragile
person in this entire universe.

Even after all those years of
knowing Seungmin, of loving and
adoring him, of caring for him and
keeping him safe from the harsh
world, he sometimes still wondered
what was going on in the younger's
head when the puppy-like boy
looked like this.

As if his mind was somewhere else,
far away from the moment right now.

He had these mind-wanderings
a lot lately.

But he'd always deny that
something was wrong when
Hyunjin asked if he was okay.

Kim Seungmin would probably
forever stay a person full of
mysteries and secrets.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now