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“At least one understands the
right pace for a pregnant person.”

Felix chuckled as he watched
his fiancé hold their tiny daughter's
chubby hands, helping her walk
one wobbly step after the other.

Of course they had brought her
stroller too but it was a wonderful,
sunny spring evening so her parents
thought it was a nice opportunity to
help her exercise her walking skills.

“I think she's pretty fast for the size
of her legs, right nugget?”

Changbin cooed at Heejin when
the little one huffed softly at
every step but her determination
was obvious on her face.

“That's true.
She's pretty good.”

Truth to be told,
Changbin couldn't tell who's
waddling was more adorable.

There wasn't much more time
left until the freckled boy's due
date and every night they were
trying to convince their one baby
to turn around but so far
nothing had changed.

And it was slowly getting hard to
count how many times the ravenette
had comforted his sweet fiancé when
Felix had cried because of that.

He didn't want a c-section,
he didn't want a big surgery scar
on his tummy nor to be unconscious
while his kids were born.

Changbin wouldn't be allowed
to greet their newborn twins the
moment they met the world either.

He didn't want that.

“You okay, princess?”

The ravenette asked when he
noticed the frown on Felix's
beautiful face, his hands drawing
small circles on the sides of
his baby bump.

“Yeah, I think I'm about to
have a contraction.”

“Okay, should we sit down
there for a moment?”

Changbin asked as he pointed
at a nearby bench at the side
of the path.

“Yeah, please.”

Their little girl squeaked softly
when her daddy picked her up
with a swift move to carry her in
one arm while he took the stroller
from his fiancé with his other hand,
offering his arm for Felix to hold
onto as support.

The freckled male hissed as he
felt the muscles in his belly contract
slowly, his hand instinctively going
to the underside of his belly where
the pain was the strongest.

One of his unborn kids kicked
unhappily at the uncomfortable
contraction, making their poor
mommy scrunch his face up in pain.

Changbin helped his sweet fiancé sit
down on the bench before he placed
their oblivious little daughter beside
him, pressing two kisses on each
of his loved ones foreheads.

“Mommy hurt?”

“No, cutie.
Mommy is okay, hm?
See? All good.”

The freckled boy gave his small
girl the most reassuring smile he
could manage while his muscles
tensed even more, making the
boy grit his teeth subconsciously.

And he could only squeeze his
fiancé's hand tightly when Changbin
grabbed his hand behind their
daughter's back so she
wouldn't worry.

“Daddy sweepy..”

Heejin yawned cutely as she
leaned against her daddy's buff
arm, making her parents coo.

“Daddy is sleepy?
I think you're the sleepy one, nugget.”

Felix smiled at his daughter and
poked her chubby, freckled cheek.

But the tiny girl could only giggle
tiredly before she moved her little
hands up to rub her eyes with
her small fists.

“Let's bring you home,
little nugget.”

“You're a lazy bean, aren't you?
Why are you not listening
to your parents?”

Felix sighed as he moved the
flashlight over his belly for the
seemingly hundredth time in hope
that maybe, just maybe, their
baby would turn around.

Their bigger twin had already
dropped a bit, Felix could tell by
the way the baby's head was
putting pressure on his pelvis.

Or in other words,
he was feeling even
more uncomfortable.

“Still no turn?”

Changbin asked as he joined his
fiancé under the covers and leaned
over to press a kiss on the
younger's bare baby bump.

“Nope, baby is stubborn
like their daddy.”


“Am I lying?”

The freckled boy giggled when his
fiancé pouted at him but cupped the
older's cheek to caress it gently.

“I don't mind if I'm stubborn,
I want our little ones to be okay.”

Of course he did, they both did.

And yeah, they often tried to joke
about it to forget about the fact they
were both worrying practically
all the time.

It was so hard sometimes to
pretend that everything was okay
in front of their little nugget, they
didn't want to make their adorable
daughter worry too.

A child should never feel
their parents’ fears and concerns.

“They are going to be okay, Binnie.
I'm not the first person on this
planet giving birth to twins, hm?”

Felix gave his fiancé a warm smile
and returned the kiss when Changbin
leaned in to connect their lips.

They were gonna be fine.

Beansprout Sungie supremacy

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Beansprout Sungie supremacy

Also please check out my new book
'I love you so', I put a lot of love,
effort and tears in it :D

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now