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A tiny kitten squealed excitedly
when he noticed Jisung in the
entrance hall of the daycare,
the toy car he was playing
with long forgotten when
he immediately got up.

Even when the blonde was wearing
a mask and a cap, he could
recognize him easily.

His small legs carried him as fast
as possible over to his mommy
who was already waiting for him,
crouching down with his arms
wide open for little Akemi to fall
into his embrace.

“Hi kitten.”

Jisung giggled when his son
crashed in his arms and snuggled
his face in the crook of
his father's neck.

“Ready to go?”

“Yes! Uh, no!
My backpack!”

The little boy gasped but before he
could leave his mommy's embrace
again, Jisung pulled him back to press
a soft kiss on his baby's chubby cheek.


Akemi squealed cutely but
couldn't help but giggle when
the blonde tickled his sides.

“Okay, now go get your backpack,
my sweet kitten.”

And with that being said,
the small boy hopped off
to collect his things.

Today was Thursday,
their mommy and kitten day.

Jisung would leave work a little
earlier to pick his son up so they
could go get some ice cream together.

It had become their small tradition
to try all different flavors and do far
it was sage to say that Akemi
loved cherry ice cream.

“Ready to go, bub?”

The tiny kitten nodded cutely as
he grabbed his mommy's hand
and held onto it tightly.

They said goodbye to the teacher
before they made their way to the
car after Akemi had put his adorable
bucket hat on, the one his daddy
had gotten him for their first
little fishing adventure.

Ever since then not a day had
passed where he had left it at home.

And Jisung and Minho had made
sure to teach their son very early
how important their privacy was
in order to keep Akemi safe.

“What do you want to try this time?”

The blonde asked his little boy as
he buckled him in, making sure the
seat belt was properly fastened.


“You mean stracciatella?”

Jisung chuckled at his child's
adorableness and nuzzled his nose
against his kitten's chubby cheek.


“Then we'll try stracciatella today.”

“Mommy, it's soo yummy!”

Akemi exclaimed with the biggest
kitten smile on his face before he
took another lick of his ice cream.

“I can tell, bub.”

Jisung laughed as he took a napkin
to wipe the ice cream away that was
smeared around the boy's mouth.

“We're very lucky it's so warm today.
It's the first time this year we are able
to eat our ice cream outside, right?”

The tiny kitten nodded softly but
his focus was completely on the
ice cream in his hands.

Yeah, Akemi was definitely
related to Minho.

Just like his dad the little boy
loved ice cream so much.

And while Jisung was fine with
a small portion once a week,
Akemi was already asking when
they'd go the next time just moments
after finishing his ice cream.

“Is daddy home?”

“I'm not sure.
He said he'd finish work earlier
today because he wanted to
make dinner for us.”

“What's dinner today?”

“You'll see, kitten.
I don't know what your daddy
has in mind, hm?”

Jisung chuckled at his son's
adorable curiosity and placed a
soft kiss on top of his head.

“I hope it's yummy.”

“Has your daddy ever cooked
something for us that was
not yummy?”


But the blonde could only laugh
at that, Akemi's face when he said it
with pure disgust was just too funny.

“It tastes a little funny, I know.”

“Funny is a good word.
Eel is not good.”

The tiny kitten shook his head
in disapproval, a frown on his face.

“Oh kitten, our little picky kitten.”

Jisung cooed as he pulled his
son closer, cuddling him softly.

“I don't understand how
you can eat it. It's so yucky.”

“Well, you find it yucky but mommy
and daddy find it very tasty. Just
how you like hazelnut ice cream
and I don't, hm?”

But Akemi only nodded hesitantly,
still not fully believing how anyone
could willingly without being
forced to eat grilled eel.

“Don't worry though, I'm pretty
sure daddy remembers that you
didn't like it and won't prepare
any for dinner today, hm?”

“I hope we eat meat for dinner.”

Yeah, there was no DNA
test needed at all.

Akemi was undoubtedly Minho's son.

Mommy Sungie and tiny kitten time <3

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Mommy Sungie and tiny kitten time <3

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