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“Daddy? Mommy?”

The room was dark, only a small
bit of light entering through the
slightly opened curtains when a
tiny kitten peeked inside.

His jaguar plushie was pressed
tightly against his chest and tears
glistened in his big, feline eyes.

But his parents didn't react,
both were still deep asleep.


Akemi whimpered softly as
he waddled closer to the sleeping
figure of his father and reached
his tiny hand out to tap gently
on his shoulder.

What's wrong?”

Minho turned around,
his voice raspy and a frown on
his face from confusion and the
fact that he had just woken up.

“Daddy, I'm scared..”

The tiny boy sobbed softly and
practically threw himself in his
father's arms when Minho sat up
and opened his arms for his son.

“Shh, bub.
It's okay, daddy's here.
You're okay, kitten.
Tell daddy why you're scared.”

The ravenette hushed his little kitten
as he held him close and rocked him
gently, hand smoothing his messy
hair in a comforting manner.

“Had a nightmare..
Mommy and daddy were gone
a-and I was a-alone..”

“Shh, kitten.
We're right here, daddy's got you.”

But Akemi only sniffled softly
and buried his face even deeper
in the crook of his daddy's neck
for maximum comfort.

The little boy's soft cries and
Minho's sleepy voice had woken
Jisung up as well but before he
could actually think what he was
doing, he had instinctively moved
closer to his family to check up
on his whimpering kitten.


He asked quietly and cupped his
baby's chubby cheek when
Akemi lifted his head.

Jisung carefully wiped the little
boy's tears from his cheeks and
placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

In the meantime Minho had turned
the lamp on his bedside table on,
knowing quite well that their
adorable kitten was scared
of the dark.

And it wasn't helpful to stay in
the dark to calm the already
worked up tiny boy.

A small hand grabbed Jisung's
and squeezed it gently, making
the blonde smile softly.

“You're okay, bub.
Mommy and daddy are here,
we're not going anywhere.
Do you want to sleep here for
the rest of the night?”

The little boy nodded softly with
a pout on his face and snuggled
back into Minho's chest when
Jisung sat beside his husband so
he could rub his son's back.

It wasn't the first nightmare that
had woken the little boy up in
complete distress and his parents
were slowly growing extremely

Akemi hadn't said anything about
a scary or traumatizing incident
at the daycare nor had Jisung and
Minho ever left their little boy
completely alone to make him
think they had left him.

But something must have scared
the poor boy to the point it continued
to haunt him in his sleep.

“Come on, bub.
Let's go back to sleep, hm?”


Minho jumped slightly at his son's
sudden outburst and instinctively
held him a little closer as he
cradled his head to his chest.

“But kitten, we're right here.
Nothing is going to happen to you,

Jisung whispered softly to his
child and gifted Akemi a reassuring
smile when he looked up at him
with big, sad eyes.

But only when the blonde cupped
his squishy kitten cheeks and placed
a long kiss on the boy's forehead,
Akemi sighed deeply.

Minho carefully laid back down
with their son still in his embrace
and smiled when Jisung tucked
them in, pressing one peck on their
kitten's head and another one
on Minho's forehead.

“Sleep well, cuties.”

The blonde giggled softly before
he walked around the bed to
snuggle under the covers on
his side of the mattress.

“Can we leave the light on?”

“Of course. But sleep now, kitten.
We're here and your best buddy
is here too, hm?”

Minho chuckled as he cuddled
his son's beloved jaguar plushie
to his chest and nuzzled the boy's
cheek with the jaguar plushie's nose.

Akemi giggled cutely and sighed
happily when Jisung placed his
arm over his loved ones, pulling
them closer.

His eyes met his husband's tired
ones, a soft smile blooming on his
face when Minho gave him this
cute smile with sparkling eyes.

Even after all those years they
have been together, they had
never lost these little sparkles
that always appeared when the
ravenette looked at his soulmate,
the love of his life.

“I love you, Sungie.”

“Love you more, baby.
And you, little, squishy kitten.”

Jisung giggled and smooched his
son's soft cheek again before he
cuddled back under his blanket.

It was late, they really needed
to sleep now.

“Sleep well, babies.”

Baby kitten keeps having nightmares :(

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Baby kitten keeps having nightmares :(

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