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“And it's really okay for you
that we meet up now?
I'd really understand if you say
you'd postpone it, I mean..”

“It's really fine, Seung.
I'm very happy to get a little
break and Minho is home,
Akemi is in good hands.”

Jisung gave his friend a reassuring
smile as he placed their coffee
cups on the table.

His little boy was sick and he
had stayed at home with him the
whole past day, it was only fair
that it was now Minho's turn to
look after their tiny kitten.

Some sort of kitten and dad
quality time.

“Okay then.. I, uh..”

Jisung had gotten a rather surprising
message from Seungmin the evening
prior asking for a meet-up.

And to say that it made the blonde
worry was an understatement.

“Seungie, breathe.
You look like you're about to faint.”

Jisung frowned as he reached
over the table to give the other's
hand a gentle squeeze.

And he couldn't help but tilt his
head softly when his friend sighed
heavily with closed eyes.

“It's about Hyunjin.
Well.. Hyunjin and me,
our relationship.”

“Are you sure you want to
discuss that with me? I don't
want to interfere.”

“Yeah, I need your honest advice..
Or opinion.”

Seungmin looked pretty tired.

Dark circles decorating his eyes,
skin pale, lips dry and his messy
hair mostly hidden under a
dark blue beanie.

Something was going on and
Jisung was a little scared
of his friend's next sentence.

“You know that Jinnie and I have
different thoughts about children.”

The blonde nodded softly, unsure
of where this talk would lead them.

“And I.. I know you had some
difficulties too at first with
having Akemi..”

“Seungie, are you?”

“Gosh, no! Thankfully not!”

Seungmin immediately shook
his head, his face going even
paler in a matter of seconds.

Just imagining this scenario
almost made him faint.

“The thing is..”

Jisung could feel his heart stop
beating for the moment his friend
thought how to form the remaining
sentence, too scared of what
would follow next.

“Jinnie bought a plushie.”

“Are you kidding me?
I nearly had a heart attack!”

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now