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A lot had changed ever since they had
found out Felix was expecting again.

And even more had changed after
they had found out that the freckled
boy was carrying twins.

The silver-haired boy had to rest
way more, he wasn't allowed to
do any work, be it at home
or in the office.

Nothing stressful,
nothing physically exhausting.

So all the daily work, taking care
of their daughter, cleaning, cooking,
working, helping Felix, it became
all Changbin's job.

And the freckled boy
couldn't feel worse.

But right now he couldn't stop
himself from smiling as he ran his
fingers through his fiancé's black hair,
playing with the adorable curls.

He loved Changbin's natural
curly hair so much.

And he really hoped that unlike
Heejin at least one of their twins
would inherit their daddy's cute locks.

They knew that their twins were
fraternal, meaning that they
wouldn't completely look alike.

Changbin had his eyes closed and
his head resting on his fiancé's chest,
hand drawing gentle circles on the
younger's bare baby bump.

Their unborn kids had been awake
earlier but with every day they
got closer to their due date, their
movements had started to
weaken a bit.

It wasn't unusual, Dr Yoo had
reassured the two parents multiple
times that their kids just didn't
have much room anymore to
move so instead of kicking each
other's faces, they had probably
moved on to a less physical hobby.

Or at least Changbin often joked
that their two little ones had founded
their own private debating club
in Felix's tummy.

“Are they debating again?”

Felix chuckled when his loved one
moved his head a little bit to rest
his ear against the stretched skin,
hand moving to the lower side
of the younger's baby bump.

“More like arguing.”

Changbin returned the chuckle
when he felt a rather surprising
kick against his hand, the
one against his temple.

“They're arguing who's going to
be born first to be the older sister.”

“Or brother.”

“You're not giving up, huh?”


The freckled boy grinned as he
began to braid a lock on the
back of Changbin's head.

“We could ask Dr Yoo any time
if you actually want to know,
you know that, right?”

“I know. But it's fun to argue
with you and prove you wrong
after hours of being in pain.”

“I mean, if you still have the
energy to laugh at me after
giving birth, you're allowed
to do so. But don't forget you'll
have to do twice the job this time.”

Since Felix was a fit and healthy
person and their children were
healthy too, they had agreed on
another natural birth if everything
sticks to the plan until his due date.

He knew it was going to be very
exhausting and he also knew that
every birth but especially a twin
birth brought a certain risk with it.

But even a c-section was risky,
it didn't matter.

“Don't worry, it's hard to forget
when you have two babies
chilling in your tummy.”

The freckled male chuckled and
pressed a long kiss on his fiancés
forehead when Changbin changed
his position so he could cuddle
up to the younger male.

“I love you, Lix.”

“Love you more, Binnie.”

Changbin carefully pulled Felix's
shirt back down over the younger's
tummy and gave their kids a gentle
pat before he covered his fiancé
with the blanket.

“By the way.. I asked Chan if he'd
babysit our nugget when you go
into labor and he'll gladly do so.”

“I'm glad he does but
I'm not surprised either.
They are obsessed with each other.”

Felix chuckled, knowing quite
well that his daughter would
never protest about getting
separated from her parents
when it was Chan she was
staying with instead.

“I wonder if we'll be able to pick her
up without her throwing a tantrum.”

“I mean, there's always the
chance she could be excited to
meet her siblings, who knows.”

Even after seven months Changbin
and Felix truly couldn't tell how
Heejin was feeling about
her siblings.

She was too small to understand
what having a sibling meant but her
parents knew that she connected
her mommy's big tummy with
positive and negative things.

It was cute to watch her face
change in wonder and fascination
when she felt her siblings move,
how she'd giggle so cutely when one
baby would kick against her hand.

But she had also learned that
this was the reason Felix didn't
want to carry her anymore.

“She's gonna be fine, princess.
Maybe the first months are going
to be a little bumpy but when they're
all a little bit older, they can play
together as much as they want.”

Changbin smiled softly at his
boyfriend and placed a sweet kiss
on the younger's freckled cheek,
his hand never leaving its place
where it was resting on
Felix's baby bump.


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