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“Mr Lee, Mr Seo.
Hi, little sweetheart!
It's good to see you!
How have you been?”

Dr Yoo greeted the couple and
their tiny daughter as they entered,
Heejin in Changbin's arms.

“We're good, thank you.
Pains are getting a little stronger
and more annoying.”

The freckled male chuckled as
he placed his hand instinctively
on top of his growing belly.

“Which pains exactly?”

“Back and hips mostly.
My feet hurt too when I stand
or walk for too long but that's fine
with me, it's really mostly the back.
I can't sleep through the night
without waking up at least three
times to change my position.
It's hard to subconsciously turn
around with that bump.”

Dr Yoo nodded in understanding
as he noted something in the patient
file before he gestured for Felix to
take a seat in the examination table.

“You're in your 31st week,
it sadly won't get any better.
But I'd recommend you to tape
your tummy. Our nurse Jiu is
pretty skilled with that, if you
want I'll send you to her later.
The tape helps distribute the
pressure and weight and
supports your skin as well.”

“That sounds really good, I'd like
to try that. Is the tape waterproof
or do I have to renew it every day?”

“It's waterproof, you can give us a
call when it starts to peel off and
Jiu will renew it. Have you tried
some light yoga to help with

the back pains?”

“I did but it's pretty exhausting.”

Felix chuckled in embarrassment.

Even the lightest things made
him feel completely out of breath,
sometimes just getting up from the
couch was like the hardest
workout for him.

“I'll give you a list with explanations
of easy exercises you can do with
your partner. I can understand
that especially with twins it's very
exhausting for you and I don't
want you to stress yourself.”

The doctor explained as he poured
the all too familiar blue gel on the
transducer to put it on Felix's
bare tummy.

Heejin wasn't really interested
in seeing her siblings, judging by
the way she had her squishy face
pressed in the crook of her daddy's
neck, one of her pigtails tickling
the ravenette's ear.

“Alright, here we have baby A,
the bigger one. The baby's already
in the right position, head down
and feet up just how we like it.
Oh, someone's not happy
we're watching.”

The parents chuckled when their
unborn baby pressed their hand
against the transducer to push it
away a little bit as if they were
trying to say ‘no filming please.’

“Baby's a good size, head size is
great as well and the heartbeat..”

Dr Yoo pushed a button on his board
so the rhythmic beating sound of
their child's heart filled the room,
only interrupted by another
beating heart.

“Sounds good, just like their twin's.
Now let's move to baby B, they're
hiding a bit behind their sibling.”

Changbin watched intensely how
the doctor moved the transducer
on his fiancé's belly, looking for
their second baby.

“Baby B is still slightly smaller
which is nothing unusual, the
thing that worries me a little is that
they're still in head up position.
The room to move around is
getting smaller as you've probably
noticed too. They're most likely
not that active anymore, right?”

Felix nodded in agreement,
worry written all over his face.

“How bad is it?”

“For now there are a few things
we can try to make the baby turn
by themselves. I'd like you to try it
with a flashlight first. Babies really
like light so if you put the flashlight
on top of your belly where the baby's
head is and move it slowly down,
the baby might follow it and turn
this way. If this doesn't work,
we can make the breech position
uncomfortable for the baby by
placing a bag of ice on top of your
belly. It's not only cold for you,
it's cold for the baby too so they
should instinctively move away from
it and hopefully turn around.”

“But what if they don't?”

Changbin squeezed his fiancé's
hand softly to comfort him when
he noticed the smallest shakiness
in the younger's voice.

“Well, normally we perform
external cephalic versions to
turn them around manually but
that's very difficult with twins.
Especially in your case, the breech
baby is deeper in your body so we
can't get a hold of it and turn it.”

You didn't need to know Felix well
to notice how much the new
information affected him, how
his brain was already imagining
all different worst case scenarios.

And Changbin could only hold his
hand a little tighter and smile a little
warmer to give his fiancé the feeling
that it wasn't that bad.

They still had the flashlight and
the ice to try out, right?

“If baby B doesn't want to turn at
all though, we'll have to perform
a c-section. It's too risky for you
and the babies. Twin births are
risky enough, we won't take any
more risks by making you go
through a breech birth as well."


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