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This story is told from the POV of Misaki unless I state otherwise.

[1sr person, Misaki]

"Nii-Chan, can I help you with selling coal this time around?" I ask setting down Hanako my little sister, I look towards tanjiro my older brother who's getting the basket ready with coal.

"Misaki, I'm okay doing it myself, I've been doing it myself for the last 2 years." He says turning towards me once the basket is on his back.

"It's gonna be colder than usual tonight Nii-Chan, I want you home earlier before dark when it's the coldest." I say "Maybe Saburo will house us for the time being? I've also noticed how much of a toll on your back carrying that heavy basket all the time does."

Tanjiro sighs and gives me a small smile "Fine you can help me Misaki." He says

I smile over excited as I quickly stand up almost knocking shigeru over who was clutching at my kimono. "Sorry Shigeru! I'll go grab my warmest Haori Nii-Chan, wait outside for me."

I hurry down the hall to Nee-San, Nii-Chan, and I's shared bedroom and dig out the warmest haori I could possibly find. Unfortunately though I seemed to have grown out of them all as they barely fit me anymore, I huff. "I really liked those ones too." I whine having to grab the one haori that fits me besides this black one, one that's identical to Nee-sans kimono.

"It's thin but it's all I have for now." I say throwing it on as well as a scarf, I take my hair out of its bun letting cascade down my back and cover my ears to hopefully try and keep them warm as well.

"Misaki! You coming?" I hear Nii-Chan shout

"Coming!" I shout back. I quickly grab my satchel bag and swing it over my shoulder and hurry outside. Shigeru, Hanako, and Takeo all circled around Nii-Chan begging him to take them with us. He laughs and apologizes to them.

"You fell asleep last time Hanako, I had to carry you back." Nii-Chan says, I laugh slightly at the memory of nii-Chan carry an unconscious Hanako up to the house. "Next time I can." He adds ruffling each of their heads, Takeo protesting resulting in nii-Chan teasing him.

Mother steps out "Heading down to the village Tanjiro?" She asks "You too Misaki?"

Nii-Chan and I nod, mother kneels down taking a cloth and wiping Nii-chan's face with it ridding of the soot that dusts his cheeks, forehead, and nose. "Be back by morning." She says

We both nod in agreement and turn around to start heading off, we briefly turn our attention back and wave. The young ones waving back, Takeo still sulking with his axe on his shoulder.

On our way down we run into nee-Chan who has rokuta our youngest brother, strapped to her back fast asleep. "Nii-Chan!" Nee-Chan calls out she notices me behind him "Misaki!"

"Nezuko." Nii-Chan says walking up to nee-Chan and rokuta. Nii-Chan gently pets Rokuta's hair, nee-Chan turning her head back.

"I'm bringing Rokuta back to put in bed, he fell asleep on the way." Nee-Chan says "Helping Nii-Chan with selling coal this time Misaki?"

I smile and nod, she notices my haori "That doesn't look very warm Misaki." She says

"All my other Haori's don't fit, this was the only one besides the black one that fits." I say

Nii-Chan gently tugs my sleeve urging me to continue on, the sooner we get there the sooner we get back. "Take of yourselves!" Nee-Chan says with a close eyed smile, I send one back in return.

Nii-Chan and I continue our long and frankly cold hike down the mountain to the village. Maybe I can score some free food while I'm there, being labeled as a beautiful girl has its perks when it comes to getting food. I don't prey on them at all it just happens when I end up declining because I don't have enough yen on me, it's mainly young men. But occasionally it's the elderly townsfolk that give me/us free food because they want to reciprocate our kindness or feel pity for us.

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