Episode 3: Final Selection

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(Credits to Anicrad on YouTube)
((Also I posted all the arcs description pages so I don't forget about them and so I don't need to do them separately, saves time. I also have the whole manga series so it makes it 10x easier.))


"Tanjiro! You're back!" I say engulfing Tanjiro in a hug when he walks through the door with Urokodaki.

I had cut my rock in half a week before Tanjiro's, Urokodaki wanted to send me in my way to Mount Fujikasane but I refused and insisted that I wanted to wait for Tanjiro to get back and go with him.

"M-Misaki, your hair..." Tanjiro says noticing how I cut my hair short, now it falls just above my shoulders. I chuckle nervously and play with a strand of my hair as Tanjiro continues to stare at my new hair.

Why am I not shocked to see Tanjiro with long hair? Well it's because Tanjiro always had long hair before when our family was...alive.

The Water guy cut Tanjiro's hair when he was aiming for Nezuko's neck, so seeing Tanjiro with long hair doesn't shock me.

"I decided I'd just cut it short, it became too tangled and matted to properly brush out. So I requested Urokodaki to get me hair shears so I can cut off the tangled and matted hair." I say walking with Tanjiro to the cooking pot. "I do quite like my new hair though, it feels less heavy and doesn't get in my face too much."

Urokodaki fills a bowl up of soup for each of us and hands it to us as he makes the rest of the food, we both say thank you and kneel down on the floor to continue talking and eating.

"Oh! Urokodaki got me a western hair clip to help hold my hair back since I complain it gets in my face too often." I say placing down my bowl and taking out the Sakura hair clip to show it to Tanjiro. "Well it's not exactly a western Hair clip but it's designed after a western style hair clip."

(It's based on those metal hair clips hairdressers use)

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(It's based on those metal hair clips hairdressers use)

"That's pretty." Tanjiro says taking it into his hand and gently holds it.

"What about the ribbon?" He asks

"I have it put aside, I'm thinking of seeing if it's possible to have it on the handle of my katana after final selection. I'll be less likely to lose it that way." I say gesturing to the box next to a sleeping Nezuko.

"Good idea." Tanjiro says

"Here's some udon and rice." Urokodaki says placing a tray down infront of each of us.

We say our thanks and pick up our chopsticks and begins eating letting out hums of satisfaction. Urokodaki chuckles at our reactions a gets up heading to another room.

Curious as to what he's getting I wanna ask but the food is too good to stop eating.

"You had weird spirit children train you as well?" I ask tanjiro as we're curled up on our futons in a different room.

"Yeah, they said their names were Sabito and Makomo." Tanjiro says

The name Makomo immediately grabs my attention "I had a spirit named Makomo help me as well, I ended up adopting her fighting style." I say sitting up slightly. "She was very agile and fast."

Tanjiro furrows his eyebrows in confusion as well and sits up. "Did she have blue eyes and was short?" He asks

I nod sitting up fully. "Then it was the same Makomo." Tanjiro says

Silence ensues, the clinking of chopsticks together as the two of us slurp up the food Urokodaki gave us. I sigh a little as I glance into the next room to still see Nezuko fast asleep.

Tanjiro notices this and gives me a sympathetic look and soothing rub on my shoulder. I'm so glad I have him around still, I don't know how I'd manage if he wasn't.

Tanjiro was/is always the one to solve fights and soothe everyone's worries with just a simple smile and hug.

"Misaki, Tanjiro, please follow me into the next room." Urokodaki says emerging from the doorway.

Tanjiro and I share a look and proceed to set down our dirty bowls and stand up to follow Urokodaki into another room.

Tanjiro and I sit down in front of Urokodaki. He pulls two fox styled masks, mine with pink Sakura petals on the ears, its eyes closed with pink eyeshadow and has a smile.

(I have a picture of it but wattpad keeps wanting to crash when I add pictures for some reason)

"I want the two of you to wear these masks during final selection, they both have protective wards place on them to keep you both safe." Urokodaki says

"Um Urokodaki? Why is mine designed differently than Tanjiro's? Why does mine only cover my eyes?" I ask noticing it's designed like one of the ballroom masks from Europe I've seen in history books.

"Because, I noticed you have trouble breathing when your whole face is covered, which is something you need to work on, but I had it designed to accommodate your one weakness." He says

I nod in understanding and I share a look with Tanjiro, we both smile and give determined looks and nods.

"You'll be heading to Final Selection in a Week, you'll have time to heal up and prepare for what's to come."

-end of Episode 3-
-Next Up: Episode: Final Selection Begins-

Taisho Era Secret:
-Did you know Misaki is terrified of spiders?
-Misaki has Asthma but due to it being the Taisho Era with little to no medical knowledge where they live, people passed it off as just her getting short of breath easily, something that didn't require medical attention.
-Misaki makes up for her lack of Breathing Capabilities by pure Flexibility and her Raw Strength.
-Tanjiro Once saved Misaki from the worst enemy known to man kind a spider when they were children, Tanjiro freed it while Misaki cried for him to kill it.
-Misaki is almost a polar opposite of her brother and only slightly different than her sister. She's Kind and Patient but she's also incredibly blunt and harsh when the situation calls for it, she doesn't feel sympathy for demons other than her sister, Tamayo, and Yushiro where as Tanjiro does.
-Tanjiro got his scar from saving Takeo from a boiling hot pot when they were younger, Misaki and Nezuko were scared and understandably started crying.

Word count: 1091

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