Arc 7: Sunrise Countdown

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Opening: TBA (To Be Announced)

Summary (Heavy Manga Spoilers):
Muzan has finally appeared and it's time for the final battle of slayers vs the demon king.

Tanjiro, Misaki, and Giyu are the first to encounter Muzan. Muzan tells Tanjiro and Misaki that it's useless to continue to grieve and fight for their dead family and that they should move on which infuriates the 2.

They're all unable to even land a hit on Muzan as his Bony tendrils keep attacking them, Misaki realizes they're poisonous when her skin stats turning purple and numb after being stabbed in the arm by one. She notices Tanjiro barelg dodging a tendril that came straight for his eye.

Mitsuri and Obanai appear catching Muzan by surprise and managing to land a hit on him, apparently their dead bodies was just an illusion that Yushiro had created to make Muzan falsely believe they had died.

After Muzan crushes Nakime's head the castle starts to fall apart teleporting everyone outside into a random village, broken wood and glass lay all over the floor. Kakushi at the other end helplessly trying to keep villagers from going to the fight.

The crowd say the Kiriya orders everyone to hold Muzan off until sunrise which about an hour from now.

Muzan slices Mitsuri's chest and cuts both her arms off leaving her unable to continue fighting, he slashed across Obanai's face leaving 3 claw marks blinding him, Kaburamaru his snake helping him navigate his surroundings and attacks.

Sanemi is flown across as his head collides with the ground knocking him unconscious.

Giyu has his right arm sliced clean off as he lays down unconscious in the ground.

Gyomei is knocked out against a building missing his left foot.

Muzan proceeds to run ahead and kill dozens of upon dozens of slayers that are in his way leaving trails of their dead bodies, bodies that were used to protect the stronger slayers.

Noticing Yushiro's BDA symbols he slices each one off revealing the concealed Kanao, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Misaki.

Tanjiro lays on the ground choking and gasping for air as Muzan's poison begins affecting him. His grip loosens on his katana and is deemed dead by the kakushi aiding the fallen slayers out of Muzan's range of attack.

Murata one of the lower ranked slayers that survived continues to try and revive Tanjiro with chest compressions to from the demand of Yushiro, tears cloud his vision.

In his bridge between life and death Tanjiro begins to see and experience what his ancestor from the sengoku period did when he was friends with Yoriichi.

Wanting to ask Yoriichi so many questions but can't as it seems he's just watching the events infront of him.

Yoriichi tells his story from the time he was born to now, Tanjiro wants to cry.

A woman calls out to Tanjiro's ancestor carrying a young girl child with her. Yoriichi picks up the young girl and begins to cry as he gentle clutches her to his chest, reminded of the child that died with his wife.

The woman now named Suyako asks if Yoriichi can show them his sun breathing.

Agreeing Yoriichi would perform the breathing technique, Tanjiro's ancestor burning all of it into his memory. Once Yoriichi is finished and about to leave, he hands Tanjiro's ancestor his earrings, the ones that have passed down or generations.

As Yoriichi walks away Tanjiro's ancestor calls out to Yoriichi promising him he'll carry on his legacy. Yoriichi turns around and smiles for the first time and says thank you before disappearing behind the trees.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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