Episode 1: Mt. Sagiri & Urokodaki

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(Play the video, it's the season 1 op)

"Excuse me Ma'am, do you know where we go from here to Mt. Sagiri?" I ask to a lady working on her garden.

"Mt. Sagiri? Any reason?" She asks

"To uh visit our grandfather." I say

She looks at Tanjiro-Nii and I suspiciously as he has a basket he fixed up in his back with a blanket over top where nezuko is currently residing asleep. (I don't remember how the early episodes go and I'm too lazy to look through the manga I have)

She points north, "walk north for a few miles, once you reach about halfway up, the road breaks into 3 directions, you turn left and continue onwards until it begins to curve upwards and around the mountain, you'll reach there by nightfall." She says (I made this shit up because it's never stated exactly how he got to the mountain)

I nod "Here's some fresh veggies & fruit for your travels, it's a long walk after all." She says handing Tanjiro-Nii and I a basket filled with fresh carrots and freshly picked strawberries.

"You don't have to!" I protest

"Please I insist, my son and I can't eat it all."

After a while of arguing I eventually give in, the woman places a blanket over top of the basket to keep them covered and out of the reach of bugs and animals. "Arigato!" Tanjiro and I say as we walk away.

(I know Tanjiro helps a lady with her son, which honestly I could be totally wrong which if I am I must've watched an entirely different demon slayer because I remember that see so oddly well, I changed it though to fit the storyline I have in mind as this is centered mainly around Misaki instead of Tanjiro)

I hum Ka-san's lullaby as we continue our hike up the mountain.

🎶"Con, Con, Koyama no, Ko Usagi Wa,
Naze ni o mimi ga nagaugozaru
Chīsai toki ni kāsama ga
Nagai konoha o tabeta yue
Sore de o mimi ga nagaugozaru
Kon, Kon, Koyama no, Ko Usagi wa
Naze ni o-me-me ga akaugozaru
Chīsai toki no kāsama ga
Akai kimoni o tabeta yue
Sore de o-me-me ga akaugozaru"🎶
(I don't remember the English words)

"Still remember Ka-san's lullaby?" Tanjiro asks

I smile while watching my feet as we walk. "Singing it keeps me from thinking the worst, it makes me feel like she's still here. I wish this was just one big nightmare." I say rubbing my eyes as I begin to tear up.

It's time like this she would come and hug me and wipe away my tears as she'd sing me the lullaby, she always sang it when putting little Rokuta to sleep.

I wish this was all just one big nightmare that I'll just wake up tomorrow and Ka-san will be making her delicious chicken stir-fry, Hanako picking flowers and making flower crowns, Shigeru running around with Tanjiro's haori pretending he was a superhero from those western comics, Takeo chopping wood and pretending he isn't a child, Rokuta sitting on mine or Nezuko-nee's lap pointing out every butterfly that flew buy.

Tanjiro-Nii coming home after a long day of selling coal with sweets and food for us all.

But the more the times passes and days go by that reality sets it further cementing itself into my memories and brain and telling me this is all real, they're never coming back, I'm a useless older & little sister, I'm supposed to protect them not leave them to die by the hands of a vile demon!

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