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I wake again tonight with a huff
Looping melodies play slowly and proudly
They ignite my mind and drive sleep away
I tearfully abandon the girl I carried devoutly
Her sweet hands too small for instruments
Forgetful too, anyhow I hope she is
My banishment should bring no wails
The songs that burden our fictional bliss
Can only temporarily cause us to part
It seems there are few works
In which my racing mind quiets
I ache for the girl who fits in my breast
So I must focus on my diet
For breakfast I consume sweat
Midday, acids for science
Evening reaps words from my fingers
So the music may cease its ill guidance
At night I hold relics in my hands
I pray for some forgiveness
The music grows while I do this
But at least I may offer it to the Witness
Consuming efforts as one does sweets
Is worth every bit of pain
At the end of the night, if I'm so lucky
I might see that girl again

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