❄️》2 - Off To District 12《❄️

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(1,240 Words)
Cassandra's POV

I walk down the dimly lit street, shivering slightly in my thin cardigan. It wasn't cold outside, necessarily, but the breeze had picked up and blew in just the right way to send shivers up my spine. I sighed and pulled the straps to my bag tighter, hoping it would block the wind. The 10th Hunger Games had finished not too long ago, and my brother Coriolanus had cheated. He cheated to help his tribute Lucy Gray win, and because he cheated he had been sent to work as a peacekeeper in the districts.

I walked up the path and knocked softly on the door to the Plinths house, glancing around at the outside for a few seconds before hearing soft footsteps on the other side. Mrs. Plinth opened the door and smiled softly, stepping aside as I entered and closing the door behind me.

"Hello, Cassie dear." She says sweetly, pulling me in for a quick hug. "Sejanus is in his room"

"Thank you, Ma." I responded, smiling before making my way up the steps and towards Sejanus' room. I had been a constant visitor here for the last 3 or so years, ever since me and Sejanus started to hang out more often. I had been here almost daily in the last year when me and Sejanus started dating.

"Sejanus?" I asked, knocking lightly on the wall beside the door to his room as his door was already open slightly. I pushed open the door and Sejanus glanced over from his desk, eyes lighting up like a little kid.

"Cass! I wasn't expecting you tonight." He said, walking over to me and kissing me softly before taking my bag and setting it down by his desk.

"I didn't plan on coming, but I wanted to talk. Coryo was sent to be a pea-" I start, but he quickly cuts me off.

"To be a peacekeeper because of him helping Lucy Gray cheat. I know. Dean Highbottom talked to me too, I went into the arena Cassie. That's illegal." Sejanus said, sighing and sitting back down at his desk. He didn't need to finish his thought, I understood. I stood behind him, watching as he continued to fill out his paperwork to become a Peacekeeper.

"There's no other option?" I asked quietly, and he shook his head. "When do you leave?"

"Whenever I get told to, although I don't doubt it will be soon. I'm sorry, Cassandra." He says quietly, finishing the papers and standing up. "I have to go turn these in, I'll be over in the morning?" I nod and he hugs me, holding me close to him for a few moments before stepping back and walking out of the room and downstairs. I stand still even after hearing the front door open and close, trying to process everything. I grab my bag and walk downstairs and into the kitchen to say goodbye to Mrs. Plinth and she hands me a bag of freshly baked cookies to take home with me. I smile and hug her before beginning the long walk home. When I get there I walk quickly inside and hurry into my room, not wanting to socialize or for Tigris to ask questions.

Not only is Coriolanus leaving me now, so is Sejanus. I don't know how long it will be before I'll be able to see them again, I don't want them to leave. A thought comes into my head and I smile to myself and stand up quickly. Before I can think through what I'm doing, I have a large bag in my hands and I'm grabbing clothes. I fill the bag up and slide it underneath my bed before laying down and letting myself fall asleep.

When I wake up, it's to the sound of talking coming from the kitchen instead of the usual sound of Grandma'am singing the anthem. I stand up and walk into the kitchen to see Tigris and Sejanus sitting at the table talking. As I walk up, they look over and smile.

"Morning Cass." Tigris says, gesturing to the seat next to her and silently telling me to sit.

"Good morning." I respond, yawning as I sit down. I notice the pancakes sitting in the middle of the table along with syrup and plates. I grab a plate and pull it to me, grabbing two pancakes and pouring syrup on top as well. I look up to see both Sejanus and Tigris staring at me silently.

"What's going on?" I ask quietly. They look at each other a moment before Sejanus turns back to me.

"I have to leave today. I'm going to district 12 with Coriolanus." He says, reaching across the table to lay a hand over mine. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I stand up, walking around the table to hug him. When Sejaus leaves to go to the train station, I tell Tigris that I'll be in my room for a bit and ask her not to disturb me.

I walk into my room and close the door, locking it quietly before grabbing a piece of paper and pen.

Dear Tigris,

I'm sorry for leaving but I hope you can understand. I'm following Coriolanus and Sejanus to 12. I don't know how long it will be before you get this and realize, but please write to me while I'm gone. If you need anything Ma has told me multiple times that my family is hers, check up on her sometimes. Take care of Grandma'am. I love you so so much Tigris, I hope you know that.

SLOT, Cassandra.

I grab the bag from underneath my bed and pull on a jacket, zipping it up and pulling the hood over my head before opening the window in my room. It leads to a fire escape outside, so I quickly climb down, having to jump the few feet down at the end since the ladder is pulled up. I make my way quickly through the twisting streets of the capitol, arriving quickly at the train station. I see Sejanus climbing onto one of the trains, his head is shaved and it makes me frown.

I wait a few seconds after he's gotten on before quickly running over to the train and sliding open the door a few compartments down. It's empty besides for a few boxes of coal left inside and a couple empty boxes. I close the door behind me and it gets dark inside, all light gone besides for a few slivers underneath the door. I flip over a box and sit down as the train begins to head towards district 12.

When we get there, I get out quickly and move fast to avoid anyone seeing me. I watch the peacekeepers walking towards one building.I can't follow them, I know that. I don't think I thought this through enough because I have no idea where I'll stay. I braid my hair back quickly and keep my hood up as I walk through town. I see people walking in and out of what seems to be an old warehouse so I walk towards it, keeping my bag close to me. It's not that I don't trust these people because they're district, I don't trust them because they're strangers. There's music playing so I look around and I spot a girl I've seen before on a stage and smile. Lucy Gray.

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