❄️》8 - Another Performance《❄️

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(1,722 Words)
Cassandra's POV

The Covey is all backstage currently, waiting for the performance to start. Coriolanus and Sejanus are supposed to come back here before it does so Coriolanus can see Lucy Gray. The backstage area is really just an old garage, inside there was old furniture and tires that the Covey used to sit on, as well as all their instruments and equipment scattered about. I'm sat towards a corner by Briar Rose, who's reading Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. She already finished reading it, but she's reading it again. Lucy Gray walks over and crouches down in front of Briar Rose, and the girl looks up from her book.

"When Coriolanus comes in I want you to walk into the Hob with him and Cassie." Lucy Gray says, and Briar Rose frowns. "I know you don't like him all that much, but please."

Briar Rose doesn't do anything for a moment, but she eventually sighs and nods. She fidgets with her hands nervously before Lucy Gray holds them, smiling at her.

"Hey, you're ok. You'll be fine." Lucy Gray says quietly to her, and I stand up and walk towards some of the other members of the Covey. Briar Rose seems like she might have a small meltdown and I can tell she doesn't enjoy a lot of people around when she does. I sit next to Barb Azure as she hums to herself, eyes closed. She hums the tune to Nothing You Can Take From Me, I recognize it after a minute or so of listening. It's a song I enjoy listening to the Covey play. It's a lot more upbeat than when I first heard Lucy Gray sing it at the reaping on TV.

The door to the garage opens and Coriolanus and Sejanus walk inside. I walk over to them, and so does Maude Ivory. She reaches them before me.

"Hey there!" She says, a smile on her face.

"Good evening." Coriolanus says, bowing and holding out a bag. "Sweets for the sweet."

Maude Ivory takes them and curtsies, beaming. "Thank you kindly. I'll sing a special song tonight!"

"I came with no other hope." Coriolanus replies, laughing.

"Okay, but I can't say your name, because you're a secret." Maude Ivory giggles and walks away as I walk up to Sejanus.

"Hey Cass." He says, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me.

"Hi Sejanus." I say, laughing. He kisses my forehead before taking a step back and grabbing my hand. We walk over towards where most of the Covey is, Maude Ivory showing her goodies off to everyone.

"Did you say thank you?" Barb Azure asks Maude Ivory, nodding towards Sejanus. Maude Ivory nods, she has said thank you, but she still turns towards me and Sejanus.

"Thank you again, Sejanus!" She says, smiling. Sejanus laughs.

"I'll make sure that Ma knows how much you enjoy her popcorn balls when I write to her, I'm sure it'll make her happy to hear." He says, and I'm reminded that I meant to ask about mailing letters.

"Hey Barb Azure, do you know how I would be able to mail a letter or two back to the Capitol?" I ask, leaning my head on Sejanus' shoulder.

"Yeah! I can show you to the post office sometime this week." She replies, smiling.

"Thank you, I want to check in on Tigris and Grandma'am." I say, mainly addressing Sejanus. "Could you tell Ma I miss her as well?"

"Of course, I'm sure she misses you too. Maybe I can ask her for some of her cookies." He says, nudging my side. I laugh and angle my body away so he can't poke me again. I love Mrs. Plinth's cookies, they're delicious.

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