❄️》4 - A Warm Welcome《❄️

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(2,054 Words)
Cassandra's POV

I watch from the back of the crowd as The Covey performs, not wanting to draw attention. It's crowded inside around the stage, apparently Lucy Gray's band is pretty popular here because there's all sorts of people here. Young, old, even peacekeepers. I look around and see Coriolanus with a couple other peacekeepers by one of the walls and I smile. I didn't recognize him with his shaved head at first, but when you grow up with someone it's hard to forget their face. I glance at the peacekeepers around him and frown because I don't see Sejanus. Then one of the peacekeepers moves slightly forward to clap along to the beat of the song and I catch a glimpse of him. I begin to slowly and carefully move through the crowd, pushing past people and mumbling a string of apologies. Before I can reach them, I hear the song they 're playing end and I pause to look up at the stage as everyone claps.

Lucy Gray nods towards a short blonde girl in a pink dress and she walks behind the stage curtains, returning with a small basket. "Thank you kindly. Now, you all know how this works. We don't charge for tickets, because sometimes hungry people need music the most. But we get hungry, too. So if you'd like to contribute, Maude Ivory will be around with the basket. We thank you in advance." Lucy Gray says, and as the girl named Maude Ivory walks around with the Basket, the rest of the members of The Covey continue playing music. I continue to nudge my way through the crowd and the girl reaches Coriolanus and Sejanus right before I do. The peacekeepers sitting with them all place a couple of coins in the basket, and Maude Ivory gives them a small curtsy.

"Hold on." Coriolanus says as the girl goes to walk away. "Do you like sweets?" He asks. He pulls out a brown paper bag and shows Maude Ivory whatever is inside. Her eyes light up and Coriolanus places the bag inside the basket. She smiles and does a pirouette in thanks. I watch as the girl hurries off to go through the rest of the crowd, obviously excited to show the goodies to the rest of The Covey. I take the last few steps towards the group and tap Coriolanus on his shoulder.

"Yes?" He asks before turning around. His eyes widen and it's hard to tell if his expression is one of happiness or confusion. "Cassie? What are you doing here?" At the mention of my name, Sejanus quickly looks over and his face lights up.

"Cass." He says, quickly pushing past my brother to engulf me in a hug. I laugh softly and hug him back. After a few seconds he moves back and looks at me with confusion. "What are you doing here?" He repeats the question Coriolanus had just asked me.

"Following you." I say, glancing over his shoulder at Coriolanus. "You too, Coryo."

Sejanus shakes his head softly, his smile coming back. "I didn't know when I would see you again."

"Me either." I whisper.

"Wait a second, Sejanus. How did you get here Cassandra?" Coriolanus asks, and Sejanus moves slightly so we can talk better.

"It's a long story." I say simply.

"Is it a legal story, Cassie?" He asks. I don't answer but I assume the look on my face says enough because he sighs and turns away.

I look back towards the stage and Maude Ivory has returned. She tugs on Lucy Gray's sleeve, showing her the sweets that Coriolanus gave her. Lucy Gray smiles and they talk for a second before Maude Ivory points over towards the group of peacekeepers. Lucy Gray follows her finger and makes eye contact with Coriolanus, who has taken a step or two forward out of the shadow. She looks confused for a second before she recognizes him, and then her face brightens like Sejanus' had when he saw me.

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