❄️》3 - First Performance Back《❄️

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(1,988 Words)
Briar Rose's POV

As I walk out of the warehouse I see someone holding a bag tightly to her chest. Her clothes are too nice to be from around District 12. Her clothes are too nice to be from any of the Districts at all. I wait for her to walk into the Hob before I walk in behind her. I find a seat in the back and I sit in it. I open my book and start reading it waiting for the performance to start. Everyone starts to get packed in and it feels tight. I don't like lots of people, but I deal with it because I like seeing the Covey perform. It always makes me smile. They always have so much energy and if I feel sad before it, the performance always makes me feel better.

Maude Ivory steps out from behind the blanket in her pink dress. She curtsies to the crowd and they all applaud her. Which seems to be one of her favorites. I don't like pink. It's an ugly color. My favorite color is orchid. It's a light purple, sometimes I wish my middle name was orchid, but Briar Orchid doesn't have a ring to it at all. I like the name Briar Rose though it's a pretty good name.

"Hey, everybody, thanks for coming out tonight! Is it hot enough for you?!" Maude Ivory says in her high pitched voice and a huge smile on her face. All of the crowd cheers and I tense a bit at all the noise being made. "Well, we're planning on heating things up a sight more. My name's Maude Ivory, and I'm pleased to introduce the Covey!" Maude Ivory says as the crowd cheers and applauds. She curtsies at everyone that she can around the Hob. "On mandolin, Tam Amber!" Maude Ivory says gesturing to the curtain where Tam Amber walks out playing the mandolin and standing next to Maude Ivory, while still playing the mandolin. CC walks out playing his fiddle. "That's Clerk Carmine on the fiddle!" Maude Ivory says her smile still plastered on her face. "And Barb Azure on bass!" I always laugh seeing Barb Azure bring her bass across the stage. It's just so big and clunky and it is pretty heavy too. "And now, fresh from her engagement in the Capitol, the one and only Lucy Gray Baird!" Ivory says and Lucy Gray spins across the stage with her guitar slung over her shoulder. Maude Ivory gets off the box and stands next to the microphone. Lucy Gray gets to the microphone and she pushes the box back so she can stand in front of the microphone. "Hey there, District 12, did you miss me?" Lucy Gray asks the crowd and they all start to cheer. "I bet you never expected to lay eyes on me again, and that goes both ways. But I'm back. I sure am back." Lucy Gray says with that huge show smile that she has on her face. I see a bottle of alcohol being put up towards Lucy Gray. "Well, what's this? Is that for me?" Lucy Gray asks the person who is giving it to her. "Now, you all know I stopped drinking when I was twelve!" Lucy Gray says into the microphone and I smile a bit and everyone in the audience laughs. "What? I did! Of course, there's no harm in having some for medicinal purposes. Thank you kindly, I do appreciate it." Lucy Gray says looking at the bottle and she has that look on her face when she is gonna do something that will please the crowd. She takes a sip of the bottle and I smile a bit. "To clear my pipes!. You know, as bad as you treat me, I don't know why I keep coming back. But I do. Reminds me of that old song." Lucy Gray says and she plays a note on her guitar and the Covey gathers around her near the microphone. "Okay, pretty birds. A one, a two, a one two three..." And the Covey start to play one of their upbeat songs that is a bit silly.

My heart's stupid and that's not maybe.
Can't blame Cupid, he's just a baby.
Shoot it, boot it, execute it,
Still comes a-crawling to you-hoo

Heart's gone funny, it won't hear reason.
You're like honey, you bring the bees in.
Sting it, wring it, give a fling, it
Still comes a-crawling to you.

I wish it mattered that
You chose to smash it up.
How come you shattered that
Thing I love with?

Did you feel flattered that
You could just trash it up?
That's why you battered that
Thing I love with

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