❄️》6 - Meeting The Covey《❄️

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(3,855 Words)
Cassandra's POV

I sit up and yawn, stretching my arms out. I don't remember falling asleep last night but I did at some point. I'm leaning against a tree and I'm suddenly very grateful at the fact it didn't rain overnight because not only would I have gotten soaked, but so would all of my stuff. Sleeping semi-sitting up wasn't the comfiest way to sleep but it worked for now. I stand up and brush off my clothes, looking up at the sun to try and see what time it is. I have absolutely no clue but I know it's later than I intended. I grab my bag off the ground and pull out the directions again, sighing as I try and find my way back to The Seam as quickly as I can. I make it there and I'm suddenly very aware that I don't know which house is Lucy Grays. I walk down the street and decide to hope for the best, praying for some sort of sign. I glance over and see Maude Ivory walking towards a house with Sejanus. I smile as I watch her lead him to the back of the house and walk over to them, turning around the corner to see her handing him nuts. I laugh and walk over to them, Maude Ivory noticing me before Sejanus does, as she's facing towards me already.

"Hello!" She says in a cheery voice, waving at me. I wave back and Sejanus turns to look at me.

"Cass, I'm glad you're alright. What happened last night?" He asks, going to walk over towards me but Maude Ivory stops him.

"Hey! You said you were gonna help me with the nuts." She says, frowning. He laughs and turns back to the girl.

"I did, didn't I?" He says, sitting on the ground next to a makeshift stool Maude Ivory sat on. She began to show him how to crack them and I walked around them towards the door.

"Is Lucy Gray here?" I asked, turning to the girl. She shook her head no and glanced over her shoulder at me.

"No, she's in the meadow with Coriolanus. Barb Azure and everyone else is inside. Besides Briar Rose, she went with her sister." Maude Ivory said before turning right back to what she was doing. So Briar Rose was Lucy Gray's sister, that explained the resemblance.

"Feel free to go inside." Maude Ivory said, glancing back over at me again quickly as I was still just standing there. I smiled and opened the door, walking inside the house.

I was greeted by the girl from yesterday, Barb Azure. She smiled at me sleepily, like she was still fully waking up.

"Hello there." She said, and I smiled at her.

"Hi, I'm Coriolanus' sister, my name is Cassandra. You can call me Cassie. You play very nice music. Not to sound weird or anything- I saw you play last night and thought I should mention it. Now it sounds like I came all this way to find you for that." I sigh, I had no idea what I was rambling on about.

Barb Azure laughed. "Thank you, Cassie." She said, glancing out a window to check on Maude Ivory quickly before looking back at me.

"This is a bit awkward to ask, and a bit of a long story to explain, but would I be able to stay here for a little." I ask, Barb Azure raises an eyebrow.

"Depends, I suppose. Are you willing to help out?" She asks. I nod and she smiles. "Then I can't see a problem with it. As long as you can pull your weight around here it will be fine. Your brother saved my cousin's life."

"Your cousin saved her own life, my brother just helped her." I say, smiling. "Lucy Gray seems strong. Would I be able to change quickly?" I ask and she nods, leading me to the loft. I step behind a curtained area to change. All of my clothes are clearly Capitol. I pull out a white spaghetti-strap dress from my bag, slipping a simple brown cardigan over it. I really should see about maybe borrowing clothes from someone or buying my own. I walk downstairs as the door opens and Maude Ivory and Sejanus walk inside. Maude Ivory has an upset expression on her face as she walks over to Barb Azure.

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