❄️》1 - Getting Ready《❄️

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(1,387 Words)

Briar Rose's POV

The Covey starts performing again today. I'm excited for them. I really am, and Lucy Gray loves it and everyone else does, but I wish I could perform with them. I want to be a part of something like them. They all have something that is common for them and I am kind of on the outside. I know it's not true, it just feels like it. Right now I am sitting in the loft reading a book. Well I am pretending to read a book. I am mostly thinking about the day Lucy Gray got back home and what happened that day. I didn't ask for that. I'm only 11. Maybe it was my fault for sitting there everyday, maybe I shouldn't have done that. I don't know. Some part of me knows it wasn't my fault, but what if it was? "Briar Rose, it's time to eat something." Lucy Gray says and I see her at the top of the ladder looking at me.

"I'm not hungry." I say looking at Lucy Gray and then looking back down at my book. I really am not hungry. I'm too anxious to eat right now. "Briar Rose, you know how important food is." Lucy Gray says chastising me a bit. She is really just worried. I want to tell her what happened, but how do you tell your sister that a peacekeeper put hands on you without consent. She is practically my mom, it would kill her and she would break down and I know it. "You have to eat before we go to the Hob." Lucy Gray says and I sigh a bit standing up and putting my book down. I climb down the ladder above Lucy Gray and I sit on the ground.

Tam Amber gives me a piece of bread and I start to eat it. I hope we have some berries because I want something sweet to eat. I finish my piece of bread and I go and see if we have any berries in the fridge left over and we do. I take a couple of strawberries out and I eat them. Lucy Gray looks over at me, raising her eyebrow. She is wondering why I am eating more if I'm not hungry. It's not my fault I have a sweet tooth. Lucy Gray tells me about before the war they would have cake and sweets all the time. She tells me how good they taste. I wish I could've tasted them because I think I would love them. Lucy Gray says I would like them too.

Once we are all done eating everyone starts to get ready to go and I climb up the ladder and grab a book and Cuppy and climb back down the ladder. I go and sit on the back porch waiting for everyone. It takes them a good amount of time to get ready because they have to put on make-up and their performance clothes. I don't have to do any of that because I don't perform at all. It doesn't take long before everyone walks out and I take Lucy Gray's hand and we walk towards the Hob. I skip a bit beside Lucy Gray while she carries her guitar. I kick up some of the dirt on the ground and I sneeze once the dust gets to my nose. Lucy Gray laughs a bit. "Wasn't expecting that were you?" Lucy Gray asks me while still laughing and I frown at her and laugh. "No, I wasn't expecting that to happen." I say and she squeezes my hand a bit. I keep skipping beside her and we walk to the warehouse behind the Hob, and everyone walks in. They hang up the blanket at the entrance from the warehouse to the Hob and everyone finds a place to sit. I obviously sit next to Lucy Gray and she takes her guitar out of her case and she starts to tune it. I just listen to her tune her guitar. It isn't that much out of tune so it doesn't take her that long to tune it. She sets her guitar aside and she pats her lap and I sit on her lap leaning my head on her chest. She squeezes me tight to herself, and I immediately feel calm. "What happened hon? When I was gone. I can tell something is off." Lucy Gray says and I sigh a bit and fiddle with her clothes a bit. "The day that you came home. There was a peacekeeper who told me that there was a train coming into the Capitol that day. I-I didn't ask for the information he just gave it to me. I told him thank you and he grabbed my wrist. I tried to get away, but he was too strong. He took me to an alleyway and he-he started to touch me. I-I said no and tried to get away, but I couldn't. After a little another peacekeeper came asking what he was doing and I ran as fast as I could. I grabbed all my stuff and I went to Feebee's house. That's what happened." I say to Lucy gray hiding my face on her chest and she rubs my back. I can hear her heart beating faster and faster and I start to cry silently tears slipping down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Bri. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to protect you." Lucy Gray says, kissing the top of my head and holding me close to herself. "Don't ever leave again." I say quietly, my face still on Lucy Gray's chest.

"I won't ever leave you again, I promise." Lucy Gray says and I nod a bit. We never take promises lightly. It is something that is always kept and is really important. Lucy Gray rocks us both back and forth humming a tune to me and I slowly stop crying. "I'm here now, nothing bad can happen to you again." Lucy Gray says stroking my hair and I sniffle a little bit. My nose is still runny from crying. "I'm glad you're home Lulu." I say to Lucy Gray. "I'm glad I'm home too." Lucy Gray says and she keeps rocking me back and forth.

I don't want this to end. I want to stay like this in Lucy Gray's arms forever and feel safe like this forever. I wish that could happen. I really do wish it could happen, but it can't and soon I will have to get up and go to the front of the Hob and sit with everyone who is drinking too much and is tipsy. A lot of fights happen and those are scary because the peacekeepers come and then we get questioned about it and I hate it. They question us alone and they don't let Lucy Gray come with me. It is the worst and it makes me so anxious.

"10 minutes." Barb Azure says to everyone and I sigh a bit. I don't want to get up and leave Lucy Gray. I want to stay with her the whole time, but I know I can't do that. I feel Cuppy against the side of my face and I giggle a bit. "Cuppy is waiting to watch his sisters performance." Lucy Gray says and I take Cuppy out of her hand and I keep snuggling close to her. "We can pull our cots together tonight and we can snuggle while sleeping." Lucy Gray says and I sigh a bit and I nod. "A couple more minutes?" I ask Lucy Gray quietly and she nods a bit. "Two more minutes." Lucy Gray says and I let out a breath of air and I close my eyes letting this moment last as long as possible

"Ok, time to get up." Lucy Gray says and I sigh a bit and I stand up. Lucy Gray hands me my book and I walk towards the door. "Briar Rose?" Lucy Gray says and I turn around looking at Lucy Gray. "If you get overwhelmed, come back here." Lucy Gray says and I nod. "I love you Bri." Lucy Gray says and I smile a bit. "I love you too Lulu." I say smiling a bit and I walk out of the warehouse towards the front of the Hob.

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