❄️》5 - Meadow《❄️

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(4,030 Words)
Briar Rose's POV

I wake up to Lucy Gray stroking my hair and humming quietly. I groan a bit and open my eyes squinting from the sunlight coming in. "Good morning sleepyhead." Lucy Gray says and I smile a bit at her and I rub my eyes. "Gonna go to the meadow. Want to come?" Lucy Gray asks me and I nod a bit. "I've picked out something for you to wear." Lucy Gray says pointing to the windowsill. I look over and see a long sleeve shirt that has flowers all over it. The flowers are tan, mint green, and a blue that almost looks like purple with a tan almost brown pinafore dress that goes over it. I get up and quickly get dressed before I climb down the ladder with Lucy Gray and she grabs her guitar and holds out her hand for me to take. I quickly go back up the ladder and I get a book and Cuppy and I climb back down the ladder and I take Lucy Gray's hand. When we walk outside we get Shamus and we walk towards the meadow. I skip beside Lucy Gray as we walk to the meadow. "I'm gonna work on something new today. I want you to listen to it." Lucy Gray says

"Ok." I say nodding a bit as we make it to our spot in the meadow. Lucy Gray leans her guitar case against the rock and I sit at the tree and open my book. This is what usually happens when we come here. Lucy Gray works on a song for a bit while I read, and then she asks me to listen to the song and give her some pointers. Then she lets me play the guitar and we mostly switch off, but I let her take most of the time since she actually performs unlike me.

I read for a while liking the background noise of Lucy Gray figuring out what chord she is going to use for the song. She hums along with the chords and switches a couple before she hums along with it for the whole time. "Ok Bri, you ready?" Lucy Gray asks and I mark the page in my book closing it and looking at Lucy Gray to show her that I am listening.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three?
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee?
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

"That's all I have now, but I'm working on it." Lucy Gray says and I nod

"Couple of the chords could change, but it sounds good." I say and she gives me a smile and I go back to reading my book while she switches some of the chords and hums along to the chords she has. She keeps doing that until a stick cracks behind her. I immediately look up and see of course Coriolanus there and I frown and roll my eyes. Lucy Gray puts her guitar up as if to protect herself from someone. She's been more scared ever since she got back home. Don't blame her. She props her guitar up against the rock and she still faces Coriolanus.

"Sorry. Still got one foot in the arena." Lucy Gray says to Coriolanus and I go back to reading my book while listening to the conversation. "Yes, it leaves quite an impression." Coriolanus says, how can he know anything about The Hunger Games? He is from the Capitol. He didn't have to go into that arena and fight until the death.

"You found me." Lucy Gray says and I roll my eyes. If she likes Coriolanus then I don't trust Coriolanus. Her taste in men isn't the best. "You knew I would." Coriolanus says back to her. This is annoying. I just got my sister back and now Coriolanus is going to try and take her away from me again. That won't be happening.

"Hoped you would. Didn't know. The odds didn't seem in my favor." Lucy Gray says and the minute I look up I see them kissing and I make a disgusted face. Coriolanus is using tongue too. Even worse. I wish I hadn't looked up at them. I look back down at my book and I try to go back to reading, but I can't get that picture out of my head.

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