❄️》7 - Picnic《❄️

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(3,605 Words)
Briar Rose's POV

I'm playing outside with Maude Ivory. We are running around and playing tag. I'm pretty fast but Maude Ivory is taller than me, and she is a bit faster than me. I can get away from her for a while, but I start to get tired and I can't catch up to Maude Ivory. I start to get tired enough that I start to drag my feet when running. I don't notice that there is a rock where I am running and I trip over it falling to the ground. I'm not the type to cry when I am hurt like this and I will not be crying. I turn myself over so I am sitting and I look at my knees and my hands to see if anything is super bad. One of my knees is bleeding and I sigh a bit. "I'm going inside Maude Ivory!" I yell over to where Maude Ivory is

"Why? We're not done playing." Maude Ivory says looking at me sitting down

"I scraped my knee, it needs to get cleaned. I need to go and have Lucy Gray clean it." I say to Maude Ivory and she walks over to me looking at my knee. "Lucy Gray isn't here." Maude Ivory says to me and I look at her confused

"Where is she?" I ask Maude Ivory, Lucy Gray usually tells me when she is going somewhere. I look down at my knee again and see some blood running down my leg.

"Lucy Gray, Barb Azure, Tam Amber, and CC all went to the meadow to set up a picnic. Cassie is going to bring us down soon." Maude Ivory says and I sigh and rub my forehead. It's not like I don't like Cassie. She is nice and all, but she is new, a stranger. It will take me a little bit to get used to her.

I get up and I walk into the house and I see Cassie washing some dishes at the sink. I stand at the door for a bit getting the courage to speak to her. "Cassie?" I ask towards her quietly, rubbing my hands together.

"Yes sweetheart." Cassie says, turning around and looking at me with a smile on her face. My mouth twitches a bit. This is really out of my comfort zone and I would really like Lucy Gray to help me with this, but I have no choice but to ask Cassie. I know I can do it by myself, but with how nice Cassie is she will notice and offer to help and I can't say no to those things.

"I-I need some help. I fell and scraped my knee." I say pulling up my dress and showing her my knee that is bleeding.

"Sit down in the chair over there," Cassie says pointing to a chair and I go sit in the chair. "I brought some first aid things with me." Cassie says going over to her bag and taking out some things from her bag. She walks back over to me and kneels down in front of me and she rips something open and puts it against my knee. It's white. It looks like a cloth, but it was in a package. "What is that?" I ask her pointing to the gauze and I see Maude Ivory walk in the house. "She gonna be okay?" Maude Ivory asks Cassie, Maude Ivory warms up to people way faster than I do. Sometimes I wish I could be more like her.

"She's going to be just fine. It's just a little scrape." Cassie says smiling at Maude Ivory and Maude Ivory smiles back. "That's good! I need someone to play tag with me when I get to the meadow!" Maude Ivory says going to sit in the other chair across the table from us. Cassie laughs a bit.

"Going back to your question Briar Rose, this is gauze. It helps stop something from bleeding." Cassie says and I nod a bit at her. It must help the wound cauterize. It's probably the fancy thing for a cloth from the Capitol.

She pulls it off the gauze a bit from the scrape looking at it and then she pulls it completely off. "Ok let's go to the sink and wash it off with soap and water. Do you need help getting on the counter?" Cassie asks me and I shake my head no, walking over to the sink and pulling myself up on the counter and resting my foot on the other side of the sink.

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