Prologue 37

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2 weeks later, Issei, Grayfia and Naruto along with the Team Dragon led by Minato in his office. Murayama and the others (-Lucy and Serafall) going to school as usual, Lucy take care of Lucias along with Serafall and his parents. Rias and Sakura undone their Henge no Jutsu. Grayfia were speechless as she didn't expect to met Rias and Sakura's counterparts.

Issei: "Minato. I entrusted you and the others with this mission."

He slides the envelope to him which Minato took and read the document in it.

He slides the envelope to him which Minato took and read the document in it

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Minato: "Who is this Hades guy if I may ask?"

He looks at him.

Issei: "He is the God of the Realm of the Dead. I want you and your team to investigate and collecting the evidence that can be used against him if he found out guilty. Do not engage him in battle, he's far beyond your league. As you were informed, the remaining member of Old Satan Faction allied with the Hero Faction. I believe Hades aligned with them but there's no proof for that therefore I send you all to spy on him. As Maou Leviathan, I have a meeting soon with other Faction Leaders along with the Norse God Faction in the Underworld."

He explained to the Team Dragon. Minato nodded with serious expression on his face.

Kushina: "If this Hades guy know we spy on him and attack us, do we allowed to fight him until the reinforcements arrive?"

She asked. Before Issei could answer, Grayfia beat him to it.

Grayfia: "Yes. If you only fight to stall time until the reinforcements arrive then there's no problem. With the training regimen you receive from Ise-sama, you have grown significantly stronger than ever before. However Hades is no slouch, he's not a God for no reason so don't take him lightly. The only one who can deal with him with no issue is the Devil Kings, Governor and Seraphs. Ise-sama is the strongest of all 4 Super Devils in existence. I believe you all witness a fraction of his power firsthand when he came to your world."

Minato and the group nodded as they still remember how easily he defeating the Otsutsuki Clan's leader. Grayfia continued as she looks at Rias and Sakura's counterparts.

Grayfia: "Although I must say, I'm shocked to see Rias and Sakura's counterparts. The resemblance is uncanny except you both are much mature and wiser."

Rias and Sakura giggles at her words.

Rias(N): "I wish I can say the same but I didn't met my counterpart yet so I have nothing to say unless I see her with my own eyes."

She said with a smile.

Sakura(N): "Same here. At first, I was kind of skeptical when Ise-sama told us about them but if you say that about them, I guess it must be true that those two are troublemakers."

She added with a smirk. Grayfia narrowed her eyes.

Grayfia: "Indeed, they can be quite hard to handle especially Rias. She were spoiled rotten by her father and brother to a point that everything she did wrong, she wouldn't get mad or blame. Until Ise-sama crush her spoiled nature by getting mad at her."

Minato and the group had a sweatdrops behind their heads as Grayfia told them about Rias's counterpart.

Boruto: "Wow... mom's counterpart can be such a pain in the ass huh?"

He said but only to be smacked in the head by Akiko.

Akiko: "Language, Boruto! I'm so sorry about this, Ise-sama. He can be quite a pain sometimes."

She said in apologetic tone as she bows. Issei chuckled and replied.

Issei: "No worries Akiko. I somewhat agree with him but that's what I love about her."

Sasuke: "Any progress with our world, Ise-sama?"

He asked the Maou.

Issei: "I managed to restore everything they destroyed. As of now, my hands are full so I will revived them all if I have free time to do so. Reviving millions of people isn't an easy feat even for me, I hope you understand."

He answered. Sasuke nods with a smile.

Sasuke: "That's good to hear, Ise-sama."

Narumi then asked.

Narumi: "When will we depart to start this mission you have given us, Ise-sama?"

Issei: "Tomorrow morning. Take a day off for today, all of you need to rest as this mission is gonna take a long time for you to accomplish. If anything happen, use this to summon me. Grayfia."

She hands over a summoning pamphlet to Minato who keep it in his weapon pouch.

Minato: "I understand, Ise-sama. We will not fail you. Excuse us."

Rias and Sakura use Henge before leaving with Minato and the others. Naruto looks at his king and asked.

Naruto: "What about me, Ise-sama? Do I join them in their mission?"

Issei: "I have an assignment for you, Naruto."

He slide another envelope on the table and Naruto took it, reading the document.

Naruto: "An artificial army of Super Devil?"

Issei: "Yes. I'm sure the enemy will recreate the army of Super Devil and wreak havoc in all Factions for destruction. As one of the 4 Maous, I can't allow our allies to die. Find the hideout and destroy those artificial beings. This will make things much more easier, you will be assisted by Valiana, the Hakuryuuko and her group. They waiting for you at the rendezvous point, I already told them about you. You're dismissed."

He explained. Naruto keep the document in his bag and bows.

Naruto: "I understand, Ise-sama. I will get the job done."

He said before disappear from their sight.

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