Prologue 42

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2 months of harsh training, Team Dragon is ready to hunt down Hades and his underlings and took them down or so they thought. They currently in the meeting room with 4 Maous, The Governer and Chief Michael. Issei decided to formally introduce them as they have been asking him about mysterious group.

Issei: "Ten Ten, Risa. Drop your disguises, it's time for everyone here to know who you really are."

S/R (N): "Hai Ise-sama."

They dispelled their jutsu which create smokes once it is gone, everyone (- Issei, Serafall, Grayfia, Lucy and Team Dragon) are extremely shocked seeing doppelgangers of Rias and Sakura especially Sirzechs, brother of Rias.

Sirzechs: "Ria-tan?! Sakura?! But how?! Aren't you two supposed to be at school right now??"

He asked multiple questions at once which earns a whack from Issei.

Issei: "Calm down, I'll explain. First of all, they aren't Rias and Sakura from this world. They are from different dimension. Her name is Rias Namikaze-Gremory, Naruto Namikaze's wife and mother to their 4 children. Their names are Akiko Namikaze-Gremory, Boruto Namikaze-Gremory, Minato Jr Namikaze-Gremory and Mito Namikaze-Gremory. Next is Sakura Uchiha-Senju, one of Sasuke Uchiha's wives and mother to their daughter, Sarada Uchiha-Senju. The re--"

His explanation were interrupted by Falbium who suddenly asking.

Falbium: "So who's the rest, Ise-kun?"

Issei shot death glare at the said Maou as his eyes morphed into reptilian eyes.

Issei: "I was about to tell you that so may you be so kind and let me explain without interruption, Falbium??"

He growled which scare shitless out of everyone as they can tell he's not pleased if someone interrupt him. Falbium whimpered in fear as he just nodded his head.

Issei: "Good. As I was about to say before the interruption. Sasuke Uchiha's first wife is Narumi Uchiha-Uzumaki and their son, Izuna Uchiha-Uzumaki. The remaining two are Minato Namikaze and Kushina Namikaze-Uzumaki. They are the remaining survivors back in their world when I go there."

He finished explaining to all Leader Factions. Azazel then asked in curiosity.

Azazel: "So I guess you hired them to investigate our enemies?"

Issei nodded and answer to Azazel's inquiry.

Issei: "You hit the nail, Azazel. As one of 4 Maous, I can't do everything like I always did. I asked them to help me gather enough evidence that will prove of Hades's alignment with Kokabiel and Old Satan Faction. Grayfia, give me that vial."

He extends his hand out and Grayfia took something out of the pocket dimension then put it on his hand.

Issei: "Thank you. Not too long ago, Team Dragon led by Minato was sent to spy on Hades in order to gather evidence for us to decide of his punishment. And here's what they took without Hades realizing it."

He placed the frozen vial on the table, the leaders looks at the vial then at him.

Michael: "Ise-dono. What is that if I may ask?"

Issei took a deep breath and said.

Issei: "Samael's blood. I don't know where and how did he gets it, one thing for certain, he may want to use it on me as I'm the massive threats that must be exterminate. I'm sure Rizevim was the one who give it to him therefore he has dozen of this wretched vial."

He explained which earns shocked from all leaders.

Azazel: "Damn that skeleton!"

He said angrily.

Sirzechs: "This is bad! If he use it on you then it'll turns the table around! Diodora is out there and not to mention Crueserey Asmodues!"

He added. Ajuka then asked.

Ajuka: "It is true that Hades also helping Diodora in getting Holy Maiden excommunicated as well shared Kokabiel's views of Sacred Gear Wielders as massive threats and was the one who freed Diodora from the Cocytus?"

Issei just nodded as Grayfia answer to Maou's inquiry.

Grayfia: "To answer your question in order: 1. Yes, Hades is indeed play a vital role in Holy Maiden disappearance for the last decade. 2. Hades was indeed share Kokabiel's point of view in regards of Sacred Gear Wielders as he was the one who help Diodora in setting up a trap to get Asia exiled. And 3. Team Dragon is the witnesses of Hades freeing Diodora from the Cocytus and intercepts Team Dragon from apprehending Diodora, letting him escape."

Everyone (- Issei, Lucy and Team Dragon) are shocked by the answers from Grayfia. They must act quickly before the enemies decide to attack. Suddenly magic circle appeared and came out bruised Ophis and Hades. All Faction Leaders immediately surrounded the wounded Hades while Sakura, Grayfia and Serafall heals Ophis.

Hades looks up and sees all Faction Leaders surrounding him with no route for him to escape. Issei grabs Hades's cloak and pulls him up.

Issei: "Hades! Where's Diodora?!"

He asked the skeleton in anger. Hades however snorted weakly.

Hades: "Just end me already. If you think I'll reveal of that runt's whereabouts, you're sorely mistaken. However I'll enlighten you with this information: Rizevim had planned to unseal the Trihexa to wreak havoc in the human world."

Hades's revelation shocked everyone (- Team Dragon) in the room as they knew personally how dangerous that beast truly are and if Rizevim somehow succeeded, countless innocent human will die.

Sirzechs: "He must be stopped before it's too late!"

He said with seriousness in his voice.

Ajuka: "I agree! This is madness!"

He added with the same seriousness as Sirzechs'.

Issei: "Hades! All Faction Leaders declare you are guilty and your punishment is erasure! Now begone!"

Hades was instantly turned into dust as Issei use his black flames to burn him alive.

Michael: "I will defend Heaven just in case if Rizevim came to attack."

He teleported away. Soon after Azazel teleported back to Grigori, leaving the Devils behind.

Issei: "Sirzechs, Ajuka and Falbium! You guys go back to the Underworld and protect everyone there and find Old Satan Faction members! Arrest them all! Sera-chan, Fia-chan! I want you to go fetch Yasaka and all Yokai Faction then bring them here! It's not safe for them to be out there unguarded! Team Dragon, I want you to find Hero Faction and kill them all, confiscate everything they had including True Longinus!! Lucy stay behind and look after my parents and our kids!"

He said in authority tone as his expression darkened. They all nodded in fear as they knew Issei is very angry. Team Dragon immediately teleported away to go find Hero Faction and took them out.

Sirzechs: "Will do. How about you, Ise-kun?"

He asked nervously.

Issei: "I'll go find Rizevim and his two minions and end their lives except for Diodora! I'll bring him back and seal him in the Cocytus! If Rizevim think I'll allow him to unleash that abomination in human world... he is gravely mistaken."

He teleported away.

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