Prologue 40

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Few days later, Issei's peerage, Rias's, Sona's along with Azazel and the students went to school trip in Kyoto. Not long after they got there, they were attacked by Yokai Faction led by Kunou due to misunderstanding. Later that night, they met Kunou along with Azazel and Serafall who Issei sent in his place. Kunou apologizes to them for attacking them which was forgiven. Next afternoon, Issei's peerage were ambushed by Hero Faction led by Cao Cao who fought Minami as the rest fighting Cao Cao's underlings.

Cao Cao even admitted that he kidnapped Yasaka in order to use her to summon Great Red and kill him. As things went bad for Cao Cao, he immediately told his underlings to retreat and fight another day. On the same day, Gremory Territory in the Underworld was under attack by Hero Faction members and ended up defeated by Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Gasper who stay in the Underworld for few days. Issei's peerage: Minami, Murayama, Katase, Shana, Ravel, Kuroka and Rossweisse, Rias's peerage: Asia Argento, Kiba Yuuto and Xenovia, lastly Sona's: Saji went to Nijo Castle in order to rescue Yasaka. Once they arrived, they met up with Cao Cao and his underlings along with the hostage, Yasaka which angered Kunou and demanded them to release her or face the wrath of her father but no avail as Cao Cao and his group laughs sinisterly.

Cao Cao: "You don't scare me kid."

He smirks which infuriating Kunou.

Kunou: "Why you...!!"

She rushes towards Cao Cao but was stopped by Minami.

Minami: "Calm down Kunou. Don't fall for his trap, he just want to make you angry by saying that. Rest assured, we will save your mother from those guys."

She said which eventually made Kunou calm down and nods.

Cao Cao: "Nice speech Red Dragon Empress but can you back it up?"

He asked with a smirk however Minami retorted with a blank face.

Minami: "Um... did you say something?"

Cao Cao had thick mark on his forehead after being insulted by her. The fight between Minami and her group and Cao Cao and his group started. Minami and Murayama fighting Cao Cao in their Balance Breaker state, Katase fighting Georg, Kuroka and Rossweisse fighting Heracles, Kiba, Ravel and Xenovia fighting Siegfried lastly, Shana and Saji fighting Yasaka in her Yokai form who using Vritra Promotion. Asia stay behind with Kunou.

The fighting between 2 group ended up with Minami and her group dominated Cao Cao and his group who utterly defeated by them who wasn't even fighting seriously which greatly aggravated Cao Cao who begin to chant but was stopped by Siegfried who notices Issei.

The fighting between 2 group ended up with Minami and her group dominated Cao Cao and his group who utterly defeated by them who wasn't even fighting seriously which greatly aggravated Cao Cao who begin to chant but was stopped by Siegfried who no...

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Siegfried: "Not now to use it, Cao Cao! We fight them again next time, with him around, we have no chance in hell of winning this fight! Heck, we weren't even a challenge to these guys! They are way stronger than we could ever imagined!"

Cao Cao brush him off harshly and stare at Issei with pure hatred.

Cao Cao: "Damn you Black Dragon of Destruction!!! Damn you all!!!"

With that, Cao Cao and his group vanished without a trace. Issei walks up to the weakened, conscious Yasaka after she returns back to normal form. Kunou run up towards Issei with tears in her eyes.

Kunou: "Daddy!!!"

She hugs him which he returned it. He then looks at the others

Issei: "Good job you guys. You did well against Cao Cao and his group on your own, you earn a vacation after this. I personally will arrange it. Now then..."

He pick up Yasaka in bridal style, Kunou sitting on his shoulders.

Issei: "I'm sorry for late Yasaka. I was in a meeting with my spies."

He looks at Yasaka who stroke his cheek with her thumb.

Yasaka: "I understand dear.. you just doing your job as Maou Leviathan. I can't blame you for being late, you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders."

She said smiling before losing consciousness due to exhaustion. Issei and his group staying in Kyoto for few days before heads back to Kouh. They currently at the train station.

Yasaka: "I thank you, Red Dragon Empress and everyone. Thank you so much."

Minami: "No need to thank us, Yasaka-san. We are glad to help others and since you are one of Ise-kun's fiancee, there's no way we let those guys harm you and Yokai Faction members. They have to go through us first."

She said with a smile, the rest nodded with the same gesture. Issei looks at Yasaka.

Issei: "She's right. Don't hesitate to call me or the others for help if you need it."

He said with a smile. Yasaka nodded and replied.

Yasaka: "I understand dear."

Serafall wants to approach him but hesitate as she afraid that he will mad at her. Issei who notices it, looks at Minami then said.

Issei: "Get going, I'll be joining shortly."

Minami and the others went inside the train, leaving Issei and rest behind. The said Maou walks towards Sitri matriarch and holds her hands.

Issei: "I'm sorry for the way I act... I was being ridiculous. I'm sorry Sera.. I shouldn't have said all that especially after you went through pain to gave birth to our baby... will you forgive me?"

He said in apologetic tone as tears swelling in his eyes. Serafall had tears streaming down her eyes and nodded vigorously.

Serafall: "I forgive you honey. It's my fault too for not thinking about you. I should at least tell you before I went into labor. I know you are extremely loyal and cares about us, that's about you that we loves so much. I couldn't ask for a better fiancee."

Issei kisses her lips passionately which she recopricated as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The others watching him kissing Serafall in shocks, jealousy, hatred except Minami and his peerage, Rias's as well Sona's along with Azazel, Yasaka and her daughter, Kunou who admired the scene before her.

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