Prologue 41

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Few weeks went by in the flash, Issei has been training Team Dragon in the Realm of Nothingness in order to increase their strength so they can start their mission to kill Hades' underlings and apprehend Hades. The said Team Dragon were resting after Issei has left the realm.

Minato: "I'm so exhausted... his training methods were extremely brutal...."

He said while breathing heavily.

Kushina: "Stop whining... Minato... we need to do our best to bring peace in this world... we owe him for restore everything that Otsutsuki Clan has destroyed in our world... even all civilians were resurrected by him..."

She added tiredly as she catching her breath.

Minato: "I know that Kushina... I just didn't expect him to be very hardcore trainer... we have been fighting countless creatures that 5 times stronger than us for 4 years now..."

He collapsed and closing his eyes. Sasuke wipes the sweat off his forehead.

Sasuke: "Do any of you know why he went off in such a hurry?"

He asked.

Rias(N): "I heard from Naruto that Lady Lucy, Lady Gabriel and Lady Mizuho is currently in labor. I guess he were there with them as we speak. Naruto even told me that Lord Leviathan wasn't happy not being informed by Lady Grayfia and Lady Serafall when they're in labor."

She explained to the others.

Mito: "Why though? They just want to surprise him."

She asked obliviously. Narumi interjects before Rias could answer.

Narumi: "A husband always wanted to be there for his wife when they were in labor. He knew they had no bad intention of keeping him in the dark but he wants to be there for them. Your father always show up when your mother gave birth to you and your siblings. Same goes for your uncle when Sakura and I were in labor."

She explained to her niece. Rias nodded and said.

Rias(N): "Your aunty is right, Mito. It shows that Lord Leviathan cares about his fiancee. He wants to shoulder some of the pain they went through when giving birth to his child. The same pain your father and uncle had when I, Narumi and Sakura giving birth to you 4, Izuna and Sarada."

Sakura: "They are right. I still remember the day when I was giving birth to you, Sarada. Your father supports me by staying with me. He even hold my hand that time."

She added with a smile.

[To Issei and Lucy in the Underworld hospital]

Issei sent two clones of himself to be with Gabriel and Mizuho as the real him was with Lucy who screamed hysterically due to pain of giving birth.

Lucy: "AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Nurse 1: "Keep pushing ma'am, you are almost there."

She said to Silver haired girl who grips the bedsheets tightly. Issei holds her hand and caresses it with his thumb.

Issei: "Keep pushing, Lucy. You're almost there. I'm here with you."

He let Lucy tighten her grip as she starts on pushing.

Lucy: "Nghhh!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!"

[To Issei's clone and Gabriel in Heaven hospital]

Nurse 2: "Keep pushing Lady Gabriel, I see the baby's head."

She said to the Seraph.

Gabriel: "Nnghhh!!!! It hurts Ise!!!"

She tightens her grip as she keep on pushing. Issei stroke her hand with his thumb.

Issei(C1): "I'm here with you, Gabriel. Keep pushing."

[To Issei's 2nd clone and Mizuho in Kouh hospital in human world]

Issei's parents, Gorou and Miki Hyoudou were sitting out the room Issei and Mizuho currently in.

Miki: "I can't believe we have gotten another 3 grandkids on the same day."

She said with a smile as she couldn't wait to met her grandchild.

Goro: "I agree. First Grayfia then Serafall and now, Lucy, Gabrielle and Mizuho. We have total 5 grandkids this year, 3 granddaughter and 2 grandson."

He added with excitement in his voice. To Issei's clone and Mizuho in the room. After 1 hour of riot, Mizuho officially done gave birth to baby girl who being held by the nurse as she walks towards Issei and Mizuho.

Nurse 3: "Congratulation sir, miss. You gave birth to healthy baby girl. Would you like to hold her sir?"

She asked the said Maou who extends her arms to him. Issei nods vigorously as he took the baby from the nurse and looks at his baby.

Issei(C2): "Welcome to this world, my daughter."

He then looks at Mizuho as he sat beside her.

Issei(C2): "Look Mizuho, our beautiful daughter. Would you like to name her?"

Mizuho: "She has your facial structure and my eyes color. I would like to name her... Satsuki Hyodo."

She said with a smile.

Issei(C2): "Such a beautiful name. I love it."

[Back in Heaven]

Issei(C1): "She has your hair color and my facial structure."

He said as he sat down beside her. Gabriel slowly sat up and looks at her newborn daughter with tears in her eyes.

Gabriel: "She's so beautiful, honey. What would you like to name her?"

She asked her mate's clone.

Issei(C1): "I will like to name her... Shiho Hyodo."

He answered with a smile.

Gabriel: "Shiho Hyodo. It has a nice ring to it, I love it."


Lucy was rocking their newborn son in her arms with Issei sitting beside her.

Lucy: "He definitely has your hair and eyes color, Ise-kun. Although he has my facial structure."

Issei: "He is our son after all. Thank you for keeping your promise, Lucy. This is the best day of my life."

He kisses her forehead.

Lucy: "No need to thank me, Ise-kun. I don't want you to feel so sad for not be able to be there for me like you should've been with Nee-sama and Serafall when they gave birth to Lucias and Sayuki. Speaking of names, what do you want to name him?"

She looks at him.

Issei: "Anos. Anos Hyodo-Lucifuge. That's his name."

He replied. Lucy looks at her son and smiles.

Lucy: "Anos Hyodo-Lucifuge.. quite fierce name and I freaking love it."

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