Prologue 39

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An hour later, Serafall and Grayfia were breastfeeding their baby in the room, Rossweisse watching the mothers while toturing Asia and Irina with their homework. Lucy was helping Issei with paperwork upon his request.

[To Irina, Asia and Rossweisse]

Irina: "What's wrong with Serafall? She seems kind of sad for some reason. Do you know why Asia?"

The chestnut girl asked the blonde girl beside her. Asia shook her head as she replied.

Asia: "I have no clue. Perhaps Rossweisse-san know since she was there."

Both girls looks at the Valkyrie who sighs.

Rossweisse: "Ise-kun isn't happy of being keep in the dark twice when Serafall show up in his office earlier with her daughter, Sayuki. He missed the opportunity to be there for her just like he did once when Grayfia gave birth to Lucias."

She explained to both girls who looks at Serafall and Grayfia.

Irina: "... I see. Serafall wants to surprise him but it was backfired. No wonder why she seems down in the dumps. I can't blame Ise-kun to felt that way, it shows that he loves us and wants to be there for us so much."

She put the pencil down and close the book.

Asia: "It's very hard to find someone like Ise-san these days. He is extremely loyal and cares for others except himself. I don't blame Sera-san but she needs to consider how he felt."

She added with small smile formed on her face.

[To Grayfia and Serafall]

Grayfia fix her maid outfit and gently tap her son's back until she heard •burp• from him. Serafall was still feeding her daughter.

Serafall: "Fia-chan... what should I do?? Ise-kun is really upset with me for keeping him in the dark... I never thought my plan to surprise him like you did would lead to this.... it's completely backfired than what I have expected... what should I do??"

She looks at the Lucifuge matriarch seeking for help.

Grayfia: "Leave him be for now. I should've warned you about this but I completely forgot about it until now. Ise-kun upset with me too but he isn't showing it as he thought it won't happen again... clearly he was proven wrong when you show up with Sayuki in your arms."

She rocks her son to sleep after he burped. Serafall does the same with her daughter after she's done feeding her and fix her dress.

Serafall: "My parents warned me about this but I ignored them completely... I should've heed to their warning... otherwise this wouldn't have happened. I didn't took his feelings into consideration and prioritized mine."

She said sadly as tears streaming down her face. Grayfia looks at the Sitri matriarch in sadness as she feel so helpless for the first time.

Grayfia: 'Ise-kun... please forgive Serafall...'

[To Issei and Lucy in his office]

Lucy looks at her fiancee while doing some paperwork. Issei were completely focused on the paperwork though inwardly he was upset that the fact he missed to be there for one of his fiancee, Serafall in labor. He unconsciously grips the paperwork in his hand as he grits his teeth in sadness. Tears streaming down his face.

Issei: 'Why Sera.... why did you do this?! WHY?!'

Lucy stood up from her seat and went towards him then gently massage his shoulders. Issei looks up at her when he felt her soft hands on his shoulders.

Lucy: "I know you are upset with the fact Serafall gave birth to your daughter without informing you. I understand completely from your perspective but she didn't have any intention of hurting you, Ise-kun. She just want to surprise you just like Nee-sama did. Rest reassured, I will definitely inform you when I gave birth to our baby. I'm sure Gabriel and Mizuho will let you know too so cheer up."

She peck his cheek and continued.

Lucy: "Plus it's stressed me out seeing you had a fight with Serafall, especially not after she gave birth to your and her daughter. Nee-sama also took effect of it when seeing her like that. Forgive her Ise-kun, I'm sure she's really sad right now and blame herself over and over for not took your feelings into consideration by prioritizing hers."

He looks down and sighs. He knew Lucy made a good argument and he definitely couldn't retaliate even if he wanted to.

Issei: "Fine, fine. Okay you win. I'll forgive her, you happy now?"

He said in low tone but loud enough for Lucy to hear it.

Lucy: "Happy for you doing the right thing? Very. Don't be such a grumpy old man, Ise-kun. I tell you what...."

She gets close to his ear and whisper seductively.

Lucy: "I'll let you ravaging my other hole and cum in me. I even allowed you to suck my nipple and drank my body milk."

He nosebleed when she said that and faints as the result. Lucy giggles lightly.

Lucy: "Ara, ara. Too much for him I guess. Innocent as ever."

Naruto walks into the office to give the Maou his report but only to find out the said Maou fainting and Lucy giggling. He scratch the back of his head and said awkwardly.

Naruto: "Uhh... what's going on here? Why Ise-sama had nosebleed?"

Lucy looks at the Knight and replied.

Lucy: "Not much, just being naughty to grumpy Ise-sama and this is the result as you can see."

Hearing Lucy's remarks, Naruto had sweatdrop behind his head.

Naruto: '.... Too much for him to took it huh? Quite weird for someone who has many fiancee... and even has 2 kids...'

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