Prologue 44

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Another 2 months passed by, Team Dragon led by Minato finally found Hero Faction at the Church in Romania and at the same time, Issei found Rizevim Livan Lucifer along with his henchmen, Crueserey Asmodues and Diodora at the castle in Spain. To Team Dragon who currently confronts Cao Cao and his group.

Minato: "Cao Cao! By the order of Maou Leviathan, you and your goons ends here! Kushina, do it now!"

Upon received Minato's command, she immediately erected Holy Barrier to prevent Cao Cao and his group to escape. The said wielder of True Longinus scowls irrationally as he knew there's no escape this time around.

Cao Cao: "Damn you Team Dragon!!"

He shouted angrily at Minato and dashed at him. Minato dashes at Cao Cao and two of them begin their battle, Kushina join the fray by team up with her husband in dealing with Cao Cao. Siegfried went towards Cao Cao to assist him in fighting Minato and Kushina but was intercepted by Sasuke and Narumi.

Siegfried: "Get out of my way!! Balance Break!!"

He use his Balance Breaker and draws more Demonic Swords, clashing with Sasuke and Narumi who draws their blades. Rias and Sakura fighting Heracles, Akiko fighting Georg, Boruto fighting Connie, Minato Jr fought Zhung Liang, Mito, Izuna and Sarada fought Leonardo.

The battle between Hero Faction and Team Dragon was in a favor of Team Dragon who had experience in war back in Elemental World. With the perfect teamwork of Minato and Kushina, they dominate Cao Cao and severely injured him by cutting his arm off, confiscate True Longinus.

Cao Cao's henchmen ended up in much worse situations as they were executed by their opponents. Kushina points her blade at Cao Cao's neck as she giving him very cold glare, Minato sheathed his blade and back away with the spear in his possession.

Kushina: "Your reign of terror ends here, Cao Cao!"

She spat venomously as she swiftly cut him into small cubes. She swings her blade, get rid of his blood before sheathed it. She then dispelled the barrier, Sasuke and the others gather up after confiscate 10 vial of Samael's venom and Phoenix Tears.

Sasuke: "Let's go home and deliver the package to Grayfia-sama. We have gotten what we need after dealing with Cao Cao and his goons."

Rias (N): "Agreed. We've been hunting these guys for 5 months, I miss my husband so let's go home. I want to cuddle with him as soon as possible."

She said bluntly and has no shame whatsoever.

Sakura (N): "Nee-san, please refrain from saying that infront of kids. It's inappropriate."

She glared at her older sister figure.

Narumi: "I inclined to agree with Sakura, Rias-nee. I don't want my son's mind filled with dirty thoughts."

She added sternly.

Akiko: "Stop having such thoughts, mother..."

She said awkwardly as she were embarrassed by her mother's shameless words. Rias huffed and looks away, annoyed.

Rias (N): "Alright, fine. You guys are such a party pooper, do you know that?"

She retorted annoyingly. Minato let out an awkward chuckle before teleport them to Hyodo residence in Kouh. To Issei and members of Old Satan Faction. He erected Multi-layered Holy Barrier with a snap of his finger.

Issei: "Rizevim Livan Lucifer, Crueserey Asmodues and Diodora... your ambition ends here! I'll not let you escape, not this time! Come forth, Venuzdnor!"

 your ambition ends here! I'll not let you escape, not this time! Come forth, Venuzdnor!"

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He summoned his Magic Sword of Destruction as he activated Eyes of Destruction. He grabs the sword, pointing it at the enemies before him. Rizevim sneered venomously at his remarks.

Rizevim: "You are heavily overestimating yourself and under--"

His sentence was cut off by Issei who unveiled 15 set of Dragon's and 10 set of Devil's wings from his back as he emitting overwhelming pressure which made the Devils before him trembling in pure terror as they knew they was severely outclassed by this man in very large margin.

Issei: "I'm afraid you're the one who overestimate yourself and underestimate me, Rizevim. As the Devil King Leviathan, I'll eliminate anyone who going against the current Underworld."

He swiftly kills both Rizevim and Crueserey and they both exploded as he swings his sword, leaving Diodora alive who can't utter a single word from his mouth. Issei's sword vanished and he grabs Diodora by the collar of his shirt.

Issei: "As for you, you will return to Cocytus and this time, you'll not escape. Oh before I forgot... HELL-ICE!"

He freeze Diodora as well Trihexa with his Ice Magic, entrapped both of them in huge chunks of ice. Issei then send the frozen Trihexa into the void, trapping it there for eternity. Afterwards he goes to get Valery Tepes and teleported away with Diodora and sealed him away in the depths of the Underworld: the Cocytus. Soon after he goes to his place with unconscious Valery on his shoulder.

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