Prologue 38

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3 months went by, the meeting with Norse God Pantheon, Odin and his bodyguard, Rossweisse, a talented young Valkyrie during the Youth Devil Gathering along with Fallen Angel, Azazel and Penemue and Angel, Michael and Gabriel went smoothly that is until Odin's son, Loki caused a scene and ended up fighting Issei's peerage and Rossweisse as he sent them on the battlefield to hold him off until Thor's hammer arrived.

They managed to give Loki a good fight and caused him to take a drastic measure in order to achieve Ragnarok. Minami being the Sekiryuutei is tasked to use the hammer and hit Loki with it on order to seal him away. After the battle with God Loki, Issei requested Odin for Rossweisse as he had eyes on her for quite some time and he even admitted that he took liking to her which made Rossweisse blushing mess as she didn't expect someone of Issei's caliber love someone like her.

He shut her up by kissing her lips passionately which she recopricated with tears as she wanted to have a boyfriend for so long and now she found one: Maou Issei Leviathan. The school festival went smoothly and his class ended up dominating all classes that participated in the events. Few days after that, Issei, Grayfia and Rossweisse, Rook of his 1st set along with the Team Dragon as well Naruto in his office after they returned from their mission. Minato step forward to gave the Maou his report.

Minato: "Ise-sama. We have gather enough evidence of Hades. He is indeed confirmed an ally of the terrorist group known as Chaos Brigade. He inform Rizevim Livan Lucifer regarding his trusted underlings: Katerea Leviathan and Shalba Beelzebub who die by your hands. He even helped Diodora to escape the Cocytus who flee to Rizevim when we tried to apprehend him but ultimately failed as Hades intercepts us by attacking us. We managed to overpower him and escaped. He also play a role in Holy Maiden Excommunication by helping Diodora in his conquest. Furthermore, we managed to steal something from Hades without him realizing it. To make it worse, he also aligned with Kokabiel and shares his sentiment in regarding Sacred Gear wielders, deemed them as a massive threat."

He hands over the vial to Maou who took it. The said Maou stares at the vial in shock, after a while he managed to calm down.

Issei: "Good job Team Dragon. Now that Hades is indeed proven guilty... he will not escape the punishment he deserves. For now, I want you all to rest for few days. After that, I need all of you to start training. I want you all to become stronger since your next mission is to exterminate Hades' underlings and apprehend Hades and bring him to me. I will execute him personally."

He then hands over the vial to Grayfia.

Issei: "Grayfia, I want you to freeze this wretched vial and seal it away. That vial is the blood of Samael. Even just one drop... me, Ophis, Minami, Valiana and the other dragons... we are as good as dead. Took care of it with extreme caution."

The maid nodded as she took the vial, immediately freeze it with her Ice Magic. Minato and the others except Rossweisse are confused as they had no knowledge about it. Before Minato can ask, Kushina beat him to it.

Kushina: "Who is Samael? Why his blood is deemed so dangerous to you and the other dragons?"

He sighs deeply and answered.

Issei: "Samael actually an Angel who fall from Grace but somehow he ended up being a dragon... a cursed one. He is extremely powerful and his blood is a fatal weakness for dragons regardless how strong they are. Dozens vial of his blood... the entire dragon race are finished. I don't know how and where Hades obtain it but it is a good thing that you stole it. That vial will be crucial evidence against him in a trial."

He looks at Naruto as soon he had done explaining to Team Dragon who shocked by the revelation bestowed upon them.

Issei: "Your report Naruto. What do you have for me?"

He asked his Knight.

Naruto: "Ise-sama. All the artificial Sup--"

His report was halted by the presence of Serafall Sitri who appeared in the office with a baby girl in her arms. She looked at her fiance with a smile on her face.

Serafall: "Honey! Mee-"

She looks around as she noticed Team Dragon looking at her, what surprised her the most is she saw Rias and Sakura's counterparts as she didn't know about them as Issei keep it a secret from her and everyone else.

Serafall: "R-R-Rias-chan???!!!! S-S-Sakura-chan???!!!!! Aren't you suppose to be at school right now??!!!"

She shouts. Issei sighs deeply, running his fingers through his hair.

Issei: "Calm down Serafall. This is Rias and Sakura's counterparts, I rescue them when I came to their world. Rias, Sakura and everyone.. this is Serafall Sitri, one of my fiancee and the infant with her.... is my baby girl. Huh... this is the second time I wasn't called during my fiancee' labor. First Grayfia, now you... not cool Sera... do you have to follow Grayfia's footsteps? I want to be there when you or the other gave birth to our baby but I guess.... I wasn't needed for that."

He let out another sighs, this time it was full of disappointment and heart broken. Serafall flinched when she heard those words from him, Minato had his family to keep quiet and not to interfere with family issue since it is not their right to do so. Grayfia keep a stoic expression but inside she knew her fiancee is not happy of being keep in the dark twice. Rossweisse on the other hand just watched in silent.

Serafall: "I'm sorry honey.... it wasn't my intention of keeping you in the dark... I just want to surprise you like Fia-chan did... I'm truly sorry if what I did makes you feel that way... mom and dad told me this would happen but... I completely discarded it... I should have listened to them... once again I'm so sorry."

She looks down with tears swelling in her eyes. Issei looks at Naruto and said.

Issei: "Naruto, meet me here after dinner and gave me your report. You and Team Dragon dismissed. Leave me and my mates alone."

Minato and the others nodded as they teleported to their home, leaving Issei and his fiancee alone.

Issei: "While I understand you want to surprise me but it doesn't mean I'm not upset that you chose to keep me in the dark.. instead of telling me so I could be there when you are in labor. It's like I wasn't even allowed to be there for my fiancee when she gave birth to our baby. I'm the father of our baby and your fiancee, Sera. Huh... nevermind, no point complaining for something that already happened. Rose, I want you to watch over Fia-chan and Sera as well the babies. Also... I don't want Rias to know about her and Sakura's counterparts. I don't want those two to cause unnecessary storms with them."

Rossweisse: "I understand, Ise-kun. I'll make sure no one else knows about Rias and Sakura's counterparts. I also watch over these two and the babies."

She looks at the saddened Serafall and Grayfia.

Issei: "You are dismissed."

He said without looking at them as he was doing his paperwork. Serafall looks at her fiancee in tears.

Serafall: "D-Don't you want to meet Sayuki Sit--"

Her sentence was cut off by Issei who looking at her with tears in his eyes.

Issei: "Didn't you hear me? I said you are dismissed. I have a lot of paperwork to get done! Rose, tell Lucy to come here when you see her. Now get going, I'm busy!"

Rossweisse nodded silently and leaving him alone with Grayfia and Serafall who follow her.

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