Prologue 43

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3 months has passed since the last time Issei and Team Dragon was seen. The Rating Game between Rias Gremory and Sairaorg Bael were intense as both peerage are on equal term of prowess however Rias Gremory declared the winner as she proven to be a challenge for Sairaorg after their last scuffle in Gremory Estate.

Rias and the others of 3rd years has graduated. The 2nd years become third year, Rias elected Yuto Kiba and Xenovia Quarta to be new President and Vice President of ORC. Saji Genshiro and Momo was chosen by Sona Sitri to be Student Council President and Vice President.

Sirzechs and the other two Maou found members of Old Satan Faction members and sealed them away in the Cocytus, Azazel send Baraqiel to guard Issei's mates and children in case the enemies ambush them in Hyodo residence. Michael look after his sister and niece in heaven.

Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki went home after the college ended, they were mentally exhausted as bunch of boys asking them out despite being told no many times.

Rias: "I swear... those boys are so persistent and incredibly annoying. Can't they take no as an answer? I don't know if I can keep this up... I wish Ise was here. He certainly will put my mind at ease."

She ranted out in sadness as she missed him so much.

Sona: "I don't doubt that but at the same time, I doubt he will not beat those poor souls to half dead like he did to Matsuo. He is extremely overprotective of his mates."

She added as she adjusted her glasses.

Akeno: "Can't argue with you about that. That's one of his charms and what we love about him. I can't call him Ise-kun if he wasn't overprotective, that's not him at all."

She continued. Tsubaki doesn't say a word but agree with Akeno's assessment. Suddenly magic circle appeared before them and came out hologram of Grayfia.

Grayfia: "{Rias! Yasaka and Ophis were in labor right now! I need you and the others to look after Lucias and the other babies. I, Lucy, Rossweisse, Serafall and the others currently in the Underworld hospital. I've prepared the milk for them, you guys will just need to feed them. We will back in next 5 hours.}"

She explained to 4 ladies who listening seriously.

Rias: "Understood, Grayfia. We will look after the babies until you guys get back."

She replied to Lucifuge matriarch who soon cut the communication. To Grayfia and the others in the Underworld's hospital.


The patients were shocked by the loud, painful screaming of Yasaka and Ophis as they were struggling in giving birth. It was a lot painful and agonizing for them to endure especially Ophis as she never knew how it feels to give birth to a baby firsthand.


They grips the bedsheets tightly and gritting their teeth as they keep on pushing. Grayfia and Serafall were comforting them by held their hands.

G/S: 'Oh maou! Yasaka/Ophis' grips are too strong, please hurry up...'

They internally begging profusely as they couldn't endure the pain of their hands getting squeezed by Yasaka and Ophis. To the others outside who sympathized with Lucifuge and Sitri's matriarch.

Lucy: "I don't envy them.. it is something I want to avoid. I can't fathom the pain nee-sama and Serafall felt right now."

She said nervously.

Mizuho: "I agree. The timing wasn't on their sides... if Ise-kun was here, I'm sure he wouldn't mind to feel the pain that Grayfia and Serafall went through right now. Like he did when we were in labor."

She added with hint of sadness as she misses him so much. Issei's other mates looks down upon hearing his name as they too miss him, it has been 3 months since then. Naruto feels sorry for them as he knew how they feel since he too misses his wife and children.

Naruto: 'They weren't so energetic nowadays... I hope Ise-sama will return soon.'

He inwardly hope that as he couldn't see the look in the girls eyes, it was empty and lifeless. Rossweisse put her hand on her chest as tears streaming down her face.

Rossweisse: 'Ise-kun.... I miss you...'

3 hours later, Yasaka and Ophis were successfully giving birth to healthy baby girls which is a relief to both Grayfia and Serafall who massaging their numb hand.

Grayfia: "C-Congrats Yasaka..."

The nurse hands over the babies to both Yasaka and Ophis after cleaning them. Yasaka holds her baby in her arms.

Yasaka: "Thank you Grayfia."

She said in appreciation. Serafall looks at Ophis who had baby in her arms.

Serafall: "Congratulation Ophis. Do you have a name for your daughter?"

She asked the Dragon God Ouroboros.

Ophis: "Yes. Her name will be Honoka Hyodo."

She said with a smile on her face as she kisses her daughter's forehead lovingly.

Serafall: "Such a lovely name."

She responds with a smile. Grayfia fix Yasaka's hair while wipes sweat off her forehead.

Grayfia: "How about you, Yasaka? Do you have a name for your daughter?"

She asked.

Yasaka: "Her name would be Kaede Hyodo."

She answered to Grayfia's inquiry.

Grayfia: "Such a wonderful name."

She smiles.

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