Fifty-Three | Even

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There's a beautiful thing about the universe's need to turn the tables, a celestial chef flipping the sizzling griddle of fate. 

 One minute, you're basking in the golden glow of your perceived power, a queen in a game of gilded pawns. 

The next, the heat intensifies, the metaphorical butter begins to burn, and the intoxicating aroma of triumph burns into the tang of consequence.

Things can change in an instant. 

Like a sandcastle carefully sculpted by a child, where one rogue wave of reality can wash away your carefully constructed illusion of control. 

And right when you think you have the upper hand, it's snatched from you—like a child with a piece of candy they aren't meant to have. 

 The sweetness, once a tantalizing promise, becomes a bitter truth—a lesson learned the hard way about boundaries and forbidden fruit.

Renata seemed to be the child— and I the candy, wrapped in a shimmering wrapper full of allure.

 That she couldn't open and have.

At least not without a hefty price tag attached. 

 A price not measured in money—but in the currency of sanity.

Her sanity specifically.

- Azzy

Chapter Fifty-Three: Even

The air in the club hung thick with smoke and the press of bodies. 

Every corner pulsed with movement—dancing limbs tangled with glasses of various drinks in hands. 

On the level above us, a thick smoke clouded up the air and wafted down onto the crowd I stood among. 

There was a sense of freedom among the large crowd—something so undeniably energetic in the air as everyone let go of the previous stresses of the day.

Mine happened to involve a woman who was confirmed to be on her way.

Although she didn't tell me herself—instead Eli was texting Antonio, letting him know that they were five minutes away.

It felt like she was already falling into my trap.

Like I had already pressed her nerves by abruptly changing our plans.

But perhaps if she didn't abruptly up and leave without an explanation, we wouldn't be in this predicament.

"I'm genuinely praying for you," Antonio said, leaning into my ear to talk over the music.

I only smiled, completely amused, "Oh trust me, I'll be more than fine," I said, knowing that the last time I pressed her nerves, the repercussions weren't terrible.

Besides she deserves to learn her lesson.

She can't keep withholding explanations from me—it's been weeks and I still know nothing, not even the smallest details

Antonio shook his head as he looked past me, "Again, I'm praying for you," he said, forcing me to turn my head slightly.

And there she stood.

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