Chapter XVIII

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"Now die and be silent. Enuma elish!"

A few hours ago

You're seen walking up to the mission broad with your team and RWBY.

"We've got to look for missions in the southeast."

You find one that was in quadrant five for sreach and destroy, but when you and Ruby both put in your teams name, it won't go in confusing you.

"What are we going to do now?" Yang asks.

"We could always mail ourselves out there." Ruby suggested.

"Yeah, I'm not doing that." You said as you turned back to the broad. "Any particular reason why you're here... Ozpin?" You said still looking at the broad as everyone else turns to see Ozpin standing there looking at your group.

"As much as I would like to prohibit first years from going into a heavily infested area to fight Grimms. I have a sneaking suspicion that you all would still end up out there." He smiles as he walks up to broad. "So instead of me telling you no, then you going behind my back to break my rule, how about we bend it instead." He unlocks the mission for both teams.

You side glance at him as the others thanking him. 'Just what are you up to now, you damn mongrel?'

You walk off with the two teams following. "Hey (Y/n)?" You look to your left to Izumi looking at you.

"What's on your mind, Izumi?"

"Your aura feels different ever since the head master showed up earlier. I want to know why." She said sternly.

"After the mission." You look forward at the pop-up window in front of you.

[Skill creating in progress]

[Completion estimate: 12 hour]

[Skill name:???]

[Weird, there shouldn't be any way for this pseudo system to be able to do this]

"So what should we do about it?"

'We leave it for now. At this moment, I have some else to worry about.'

You enter the aircraft and rest your head against the metal as you fall asleep.

'I hope they don't end up doing some dumb shit.'

A few minutes later

You jump out of the aircraft pummeling to the ground reason why: a horde of Grimms is cirling the landing zone. You draw destruction in its scythe form as a devilish grin made its way on your face just before you start to spin like a saw going down clearing out a good amount of the Grimms. You quickly holster destruction and draw for your pistols a start shoot at the Grimms.

[Ebony and Ivory have evolved into Donner and Schlag]

You aim your twin pistols as black lightning arcs off it.

"Fuck you!"

You blast a hole through the head of the last Grimm and anything behind it. You blow the smoke the barrel of the guns before holstering them.

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