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Please Read This. The story won't make sense otherwise.



Actions - *Fucking Dies*

Regular Cuts - [}{}{}{]

Story Beginning/Ending - /\/\/\/\


It's over. Gabriel has been slain. There is truly nothing left in hell. And the Dumbass Nikon behind all of this was currently dying from a lack of blood.

″Aw fuck, why did I think killing everything with reckless abandon would be a good idea. I mean it was fun, but now what?″ V1 said to himself in his usual robotic voice, laying on the floor. Not only was it slowly dying, but it was bored. Really bored. ″Maybe I should've kept a single enemy around and started a blood farm. I could've used those fuckin flesh prisons as a infinite blood source.″

As V1 contemplated on the (least) ethical ways of farming a living creature for its blood, it finally made a decision. ″Standing around isn't gonna do anything. Gotta find some blood, hopefully some animals survived my past antics.″ V1 laughed as it thought about his genocidal tendencies.

V1 sped down the corridors and was back at the drop-down. ″How the fuck do I climb this shaft? Oh, I know how.″ V1 jumped on the wall before jumping off of it and falling to the floor, as it hit the ground it jumped once more and went up the massive shaft. ″Weeeee!″

V1 very quickly reached the top of the shaft and had a superhero landing at the end. ″Funny slam storage go brrr″


V1 traversed through the empty halls of hell, strangely enough, despite being quite thorough in his genocide of literally anything in hell, more enemies still popped up every now and then, not as much as before, but even one would be odd. ″Didn't I kill these mfs? Not that I'm complaining, free blood is free blood, but still.″

As V1 passed through the almost empty halls of hell, it had finally just reached the layer of WRATH when it noticed something off. ″Who put a door here? This was definitely not here before. Or was it? Ah who cares.″ V1 walked over to the door as it automatically opened ″This better not be like the last secret rooms. Those were piss-ass annoying."

The door opened to reveal... A staircase. A dark spooky staircase. ″If I get jumped by that horror film wannabe bastard again I will be so done.″ V1 complained to itself about past secret levels, muttering to himself about how they're a 'different kind of hell' on their own. V1 kept climbing the stairs, making several twists and turns the like of which no one has ever seen before on a staircase.

″Why is this shit built like this? Who made this? I wanna speak to your manager.″ V1 finally reached another door, but this one didn't automatically open like the others. He had to open it manually. ″Ugh, a manual open, who in hell uses these anymore.″

V1 opened the door to the outside of a seemingly empty town. In the sky lay a giant pentagram attached to a moon like planetoid. A white planet could be seen just a ways off. ″Goddamn it, where am I now?"
It's question was answered by a sign that said "Welcome to Hell!" In bold letters. ″Well no shit Sherlock.″ V1 walked through the empty streets before noting a giant clocktower in the background. ″10 seconds? 10 seconds till what?"

The clocktower rang out, and a massive gold portal had opened as angels flew out of it ″Angles? That's odd.″ It could hear the screams that were being produced from further into the city. These people were the unfortunate souls caught by the Exterminators.

V1 watched as the Exterminators tore through these odd looking Demons

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V1 watched as the Exterminators tore through these odd looking Demons. ″What is this? A blood party? And you didn't invite me?! Rude.″ V1 pulled out its Sawed-On shotgun and used the chainsaw to stab through a nearby demon and pull them in, it then revved the chainsaw spraying blood everywhere. ″Yes... Blood! Bloo-″

Now, V1 can't taste anything, but if it could, this blood would be nasty, just absorbing the demonic blood felt generally wrong. So V1 acted accordingly. ″EUGH, GROSS. GET OUTTA HERE.″ V1 pulled out his rocket launcher, attached a rocket to the corpse, and sent it flying away, the rocket and corpse had exploded on an exorcist, doing almost no damage and catching the attention of them.

″Maybe your blood'll taste better. GET OVER HERE.″ V1 used it's whiplash and pulled in the Exorcist, sending it crashing to the ground. The Exorcist quickly recovered and flew towards V1 with a Halberd in hand, and complete reckless abandon. V1 easily dodged and whipped out its blueberry railcannon, firing out a blue beam of light. The beam pieces through the Exorcist with no resistance.

″Gold blood? Wonder what that's like.″ V1 used the whiplash again, this time though, it switched to the funny fapping arm, and punched the Exorcist, immediately breaking the mask, and also their skull. Less of break and more of shatter. ″Fap. NUT. Too easy. Put more effort into your fights dumb...ass...″

V1 had killed all sorts of beings before. Angels, Machines, Husks, hell even Prime Souls. All of their blood was unique. But weren't anything to write home about. But this blood? This was new. It felt... Empowering. It felt...



And that's the prologue. This is a new story that came to my head a while back, and I thought I'd write it, because who doesn't want to see funny blue blood robot do funny stuff with the funny people.

I don't know if I'll live up to the expectations I've set for myself, but I'll damn well try.

This is only the prologue though. The only way now is up.
Welcome to...

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