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Obligatory read this


V1 Speech - ″Shut up.″

Actions - *Fucking Kills him*

Regular Cuts - [}{}{}{]

Story Beginning/Ending - /\/\/\/\


V1 and Sir Pentious were right outside the hotel, working on the downed Airship. Progress was coming along smoothly. Despite how stupid the egg bois are, they work really quickly, the ship was nearly finished despite only having been a week.

″The outline of the balloon is completed. Where's the cover?″ V1 asked Sir Pentious.

"I'll have to make another, this one won't work as well. It will take quite a while, but I will get it done!" Sir Pentious boasted. V1 and Sir Pentious had gotten pretty close within the past week.

″Right, well, I could–″

″Oh, that's my phone.″ V1's phone is pulled from literally nowhere, and checked who was calling.

″Its my boss. Give me a second.″ V1 picked up the phone.

″Need something Blitzø?″

"Hey V, Stolas just hired us to be bodyguards for him at Loo-Loo Land! Get your robo-ass down here!" Blitzø demanded from the phone.

″K. Be there in a sec. Gotta go Pentious, I'll be back later.″

"Wait, you're just gonna leave me to do this alone?"

″You have egg bois, you'll be fine.″ V1 pulled out the Freeze frame, and fired a paused rocket out of it. Sir Pentious watched in complete confusion as V1 hopped on top of it and flew off.


Sir Pentious just stared at where V1 took off, before shaking his head rapidly.

"No matter! Back to work!"


Right outside of IMP, The gang was waiting outside.

"How long are we going to wait here?" Moxxie asked, wanting to get a move on.

"I literally just called, Moxxie. V's never been late before so–" Blitzø was interrupted by an explosion down the street. The explosion was V1 'landing' the rocket he was riding on. V1 was launched from the explosion and landed perfectly in front of the gang.

″Im here.″

"Nice entrance!" Millie complemented.

″Where's this 'Stolas'?″

"We're gonna go pick him up, I told him we could portal there, but he wants to drive." Blitzø said while taking out his keys to the van.

″So is he like... Your boyfriend?″ V1 was genuinely curious on the relationship between his boss and this 'Stolas' guy. Millie quietly snickered to herself. Blitzø was not pleased.

"He is NOT my boyfriend! Kay, all we do is fuck."

"And watch movies together." Millie commented.

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