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Please Read This. The story won't make sense otherwise.



Actions - *Dies*

Regular Cuts - [}{}{}{]

Story Beginning/Ending - /\/\/\/\


"You do everything right in life, play by all the rules, and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world. All it took was one measily massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here, to get revenge."

V1 burst into the office, pushing the lady aside. ″Move for a sec, Bitzø, where is the next client, I need blood. IMMEDIATELY.″ Blitzø raised an eyebrow, and pointed behind V1.

"Right behind you dumbass." V1 looked back to the raging lady behind it.

″Oh. Continue.″ The demon rolled her eyes before doing as told.

"Anyway, everyone except the whore died from my little massacre. Now everyone calls her a hero." She starts to imitate several voices " 'Oh, you're a hero, you're so cool to have survived a crazy bitch, you're a hero!' 'You're a hero woohoo—' SHE IS NOT A HERO!"

Blitz was now cowering and rapidly pushing a button under the table, when no one came in he decided to continue.

"Aha, my thoughts exactly. Just uh, tell us where this her–" [insert she-demon rage here]  "where this... Cock sucking dick-bitch lives, and we'll immediately begin."

″Also pay us.″ Blitzø agreed with V1. "Yes. Also that. We only take cash. Because credit is dumb as fuck." The lady shrugged and slammed a pile of cash on the table.

"Fair enough. Get it done, I'll text you more details." Blitzø stopped her from leaving.

"Wait- Wait! You should meet the team! C'mon!" The demon, and V1 for that matter were confused. "Uh, alright?"

″Theres no point to this.″ V1 said, clearly questioning the reasoning behind any of this.

Blitzø shrugged while saying. "You wouldn't get it." Blitzø was correct. V1 did not get it. Blitzø opened the door to his office and said, "Guys, I want you to meet—" and was interrupted by Moxxie firing a crossbow. The arrow somehow bounced all around the place, hitting it's main target, and everything else in the room. Before the arrow could do anymore damage, V1 had caught it before tossing it at an eel tank, stopping it's fall. "... Our newest client." An eel jumped out the water and caused an electric fire anyway, because fate or something. ″I blame Moxxie.″ Blitzø nodded. "Valid." Moxxie did not appreciate that.


The gang was outside while the Angry Demon left. "Byeee! And don't worry, we'll get that skank within the next 24 hours of your next kill is free!" Said Blitzø as he waved off the Angry Demon.

Moxxie rolled his eyes. "When did we start Implementing that deal?" Blitzø cupped his face close and said "When you set fire to my office IN FRONT OF A CLIENT YOU FUCKING DICK-SHIT!"

"Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still in-TACT!" Blitzø said while pushing Moxxie aside.

"You mean our only ticket to the living world? Yeah. Got it." Said Loona as she pulled a book from... Seemingly nowhere?

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