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Please Read This. The story won't make sense otherwise.

Speech - "Do you even know how to parry?"

V1 Speech - ″Uhh, maybe.″

Actions - *JUDGEMENT*

Regular Cuts - [}{}{}{]

Story Beginning/Ending - /\/\/\/\


Outside of the gates of heaven, a man wearing white armor with gold was face first knocked out on the floor.

"Ngggh... Machine... I will rip you limb from limb... Wait." The man sat up slowly. "I'm... Not dead?" Gabriel was not dead. Weird. Didn't God's light completely leave him? He shouldn't even exist anymore. Speaking of God's light...

"It's gone." Gabriel could no longer feel what little connection he had to the dead god. It made him feel empty. Better than being in constant pain from the light leaving him.

Sitting around won't do anything, investigation time.

"Armor?" Gabriel felt his armor, all there, unscathed.

"Wings?" Blue ethereal wings had appeared from nowhere, along with the usual horns-like halo that crowned him.

"Justice, Splendor?" He felt for his trusty swords, still there. He slowly drew them from their sheaths, Blue and Gold blades shimmering in the light.

"All in order." He hid his wings and withdrew how swords. "Now, where the hell am I?"

Gabriel walked down the pathway, as the gates to heaven got to closer, he noticed that it looked a bit different than it usually did... And instead of the usual guards, a little angel was at the front reading some kind of book on a pedestal.

"Oh, Hello... Err, what's with the armor?" The angel asked.

"For protection. As armor does." Gabriel responded, a bit suspicious of this fellow. His wings didn't look right... Neither did his halo.

"Rrright, well, could I get a name?"


"...Last name?"

"Just Gabriel."

The angel flipped through his book, mumbling about how little that narrows it down.

"Uhh... There's like a million Gabriels, are you sure you don't have a last name?"

"I don't."

"Well, a lot of families name their children after the Archangel, so if-"

"Archangel? Do you mean Supreme Angel?"

"No..." The angel stared at Gabriel. Gabriel thought to himself for a second, before looking back.

"And your name?" Gabriel asked the small angel.

"Me? I'm St. Peter. Y'know like from-"

"I need to see a superior."

"Uh, Sera's a bit busy, I don't know if-"

"I wasn't asking."

"Uhh, uh, er, Mmmmmm..."


Sera and Emily, her sister, were deep in a conversation about the lack of winners when a knock was heard.

"We're a bit busy! Come back later!" Said Emily with her infectious glee.

St. Peter slightly opened the door, and shut it almost as fast as he opened it.

"Is something troubling you?" Sera asked Peter.

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