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Please Read This. The story won't make sense otherwise.



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A random sinner was running down the street, narrowly avoiding the spears of the Exorcists chasing him. "Get away from me you crazy bastards!" The demon could only shout at them as he had lost his firearm a while ago. An exorcist was about to grab him to end his afterlife, when suddenly.

″MOVE BITCH.″ V1 had pulled the sinner out the way and started literally tearing into the exorcist. No weapons, no nothing. The sinner was shocked that something could have enough raw power to just tear through light armor and flesh like it wasn't even there. "Oh hell no, I'm outta here."

The demon tried to run off, only to get stabbed by an exorcist mid run. The exorcist saw what V1 had managed to do to their comrade, and almost tried running. But they didn't get the chance.

″Come here sweet little angel. I needs drugs.″ V1 had latched onto the exorcist and pulled them down to the floor. The exorcist let out an honest to God screech before getting their head immediately railed. By a Railgun of course. ″Damn this shit bussin."

The clocktower had ring out, as the Exterminators had flew back to the golden portal in the sky. V1, realizing he wouldn't get anymore of that sweet, sweet angel blood started running towards the portal. ″NO WAIT, DONT GO, I STILL NEED MY SUPPLIERS.″ The Exorcists were gone.




V1, now completely lost, and without the good shit was now wandering the town. The town was a lot more lively now that murder angels weren't massacring the citizens. It was a big weirded out by how nothing had attacked it yet. V1 was used to the constant assaults of its own hell. But this? This was pretty calm. For it, at least.

This new hell was interesting to say the least. The demons ranged from actually demons to badly made puns. ″Is that a literal loan shark? Wait, what the hell is this music?" It could hear the sounds of instruments from seemingly nowhere, while a very human looking demon sang along to it.

"-To the cannibal town, where they don't wear a frown because- holy shit!-oh my God, whyyy?" The demon was questioning why two cannibals were eating a dead cannibal, the reason was obvious, but even V1 had the same question. For different reasons. ″That blood is gross, why would you consume it?″ Ignoring V1, the singing demon kept going. "And I don't give a crow that, his brains got in my ey-y-HY! Cuz I know I can spare them... From heavens genocide, I can do this! I just know it! I'll get heaven behind my plan. There's just no way, I could blow it, not this once in a lifetime chaaance, to change their minds..." A random snail demon had flashed the singing demon while claiming "And touch my parts!" Singing Demon was visibly uncomfortable while V1 only had questions.

″Is it supposed to be that small?″
"Uh, no thank you, I'm just gonna- fulfill my destiny!"
"I can already tell~ Today is gonna be a fuckin happy day in hell!-" V1 interrupted her with ″Hey! Singing demon!″ Everything abruptly stopped with a record scratch as the Demon looked over at V1. "Oh, it's Charlie actually, Did you need something?" V1 took note of singing dem- Charlie's name. ″I heard you mention heaven in... Whatever that high school musical thing was. You wouldn't happen to know how to... Get there, would you?″

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