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We had just finished recording "treacherous", laughing about old memories we shared when I first met donny and scott, when my manager, don, walked in. "Stella, so when do u want the whole meeting to be held, he asked sitting down in the seat infront of me, "to discuss the lp details?" 

"Maybe in a few days, we still haven't finished at least 3 songs, and i want around 6-10 songs on this record" "Ok, then i'll tell everyone to attend in 3 days?" "That would be perfect", i smiled, as he rushed out of the room.

"Omy god", i began, "a few days ago, i stumbled upon some of my old one d pics", i excitedly spoke. I yanked my phone from the coffee table, opening my gallery to show them the pics. 

Scott laughed. "Wow, to think that u were obsessed with those blokes, they were bloody great" "Yeah", i laughed

stellamonroe posted on their story

stellamonroe posted on their story

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