"The drought was the very worst,
when the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst
It was months and months of back and forth,
You're still all over me
Like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore"
Stella Monroe, a radiant 18-year-old Ameri...
We had just finished recording "treacherous", laughing about old memories we shared when I first met donny and scott, when my manager, don, walked in. "Stella, so when do u want the whole meeting to be held, he asked sitting down in the seat infront of me, "to discuss the lp details?"
"Maybe in a few days, we still haven't finished at least 3 songs, and i want around 6-10 songs on this record" "Ok, then i'll tell everyone to attend in 3 days?" "That would be perfect", i smiled, as he rushed out of the room.
"Omy god", i began, "a few days ago, i stumbled upon some of my old one d pics", i excitedly spoke. I yanked my phone from the coffee table, opening my gallery to show them the pics.
Scott laughed. "Wow, to think that u were obsessed with those blokes, they were bloody great" "Yeah", i laughed
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