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"Hey, folks, look what we have here! The rising star of the moment, Stella Monroe! Three-time Grammy winner, and she's not even old enough to rent a car yet!", jimmy laughed, making me shy away. 

"So, Stella, welcome! You've got quite a voice, and you're just 18. When I was 18, I was still trying to figure out what gluten was!". I laughed.."Thank you, jimmy, thanks for having me, i only thought that i'd only ever be in this show in dreams, so its really special to be here", i smiled.

"It's incredible what you've accomplished already. And your new album, 'New Romantics', I heard it's a smash! And its just just hit the charts! So, tell me about that. How did you come up with the idea for the album? Did you, like, consult astrology charts or something?", he chuckled. 

I smirked.."Oh no, i love horoscopes but no, this was like a very introspective-ihaveanidea sorta thing", i explained. 

"the album is called 'New Romantics' cause the song summarizes all the themes of the album - being young, living in the big city, putting your heartbreak behind you. It feels like a generational anthem because of the way its narrated with "we" and speaks to general experiences. it's upbeat and feels celebratory. its very freeing, i think. Like i wrote the song, and recorded it, and was like to my guitarist and drummers - shoutout to donny and scott - 'yall this is the one..this is the title and no ones changing it', and it was the last song i wrote for the album as well", i ranted.

"But what's with all these songs about heartache? Can't you sing about something happy, like falling in love or winning the lottery? Or falling in love and winning the lottery!", he laughed "But seriously, congratulations on the album. I've heard it's really great... from my assistant who actually has time to listen to music"

i chuckled, "Well, some of the songs are about falling in love, and just not even about love, but i guess, the ones about breakups are what everyone likes, thats why they're more popular"

"Breakups are popular, huh? I can relate to that. I had a rough breakup with my organic kale. It was the healthiest relationship I ever had, and then it was over"

"But is it really over now?", i smirked, giving a subtle nudge to my #1 track, "Is It Over Now?".

"im afraid it is, but before the show is over, i guess we have to read some reviews" "Oh, god no", i widened my eyes covering my face with my hands, my eyes looking at the audience. 

"Alright, Stella, here's a review from Rolling Stone, it says, and I quote: Stella Monroe's 'New Romantics' is a captivating journey through the complexities of young love and self discovery. Its a tour de force that showcases her exceptional talent. A triumph of youthful angst and introspection for sure. Man, that's a review", he snickered as my mouth was gaped open.

"And from the New York Times, A captivating soundtrack to a generation's heartbreaks. Monroe is paving her own unique path, unafraid to wear her heart on her sleeve and sing candidly about her personal experiences. Monroe's unique voice and storytelling abilities truly shine in this album. Not only is it a masterpiece but it is also a cultural phenomenon"

"And of course we can't ignore Time Magazine : A poignant exploration of the highs and lows of modern youth, Monroe delivers an anthem for the millennial generation with 'New Romantics' - it's catchy, relatable, and downright irresistible. The album is a triumph of catchy hooks and relatable lyrics.", he finished.

"Oh lord, i can't", i muttered.."Im so floored by all this, like my mind is literally disconnected from my body right now, this is incredible"

"trust me, you deserve every word of those reviews.Now, Stella, I have to ask, do you ever feel like the success comes with a price? Like maybe... you lose a bit of your privacy or your anonymity?", he asked.

"Of course, its really overwhelming for sure, but its also a little rewarding, like i get to do exactly what i used to dream about as a child, you know? making fake scenarios in my head, and finally making it come true? Sure, the lack a privacy is a huge price to pay, but after being in the spot light for more than 2 years, its become second nature"

"I hear you, Stella. I've been in the spotlight for a while myself, and it does start to feel second nature. But remember, it's okay to take some time for yourself. Go off the grid, enjoy some quiet, and just be Stella, not Stella Monroe, Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter. Take it from me, you'll thank yourself for it", he comforted, making me nod my head and smile.

"Now, Stella, can we expect a New Romantics world tour anytime soon?", he questioned, raising his eyebrows. 

"Mayyybee", i dragged, cocking an eyebrow and slyly smirked...

" 'Maybe' - I love the suspense! But seriously, folks, if there's one thing we can count on, it's Stella rocking that stage eventually. And when she does, you better believe I'll be front-row and center, singing along to every word", he yelled as i laughed.

"Now, Stella, any plans for your next album? Any insider scoops for us?", he leaned in expectantly. "Well, im honest just giving 'new romantics' its spotlight, and just letting it do its thing, its like a thanksgiving dinner, and i've given the fans alot of stuffing this year, so i have to wait until they have energy to eat more", i grinned.

" 'Thanksgiving dinner' - I love the analogy! And it's true, you've given your fans a feast with "New Romantics", so they definitely need some time to digest. But when they're ready for more, you'll be there with another album. Now, Stella, let's talk about something a bit more lighthearted. Any guilty pleasures? Something you love to do outside of music that you might not want the world to know about?" 

"Well, i do love to collect scented candles", i laughed out of embarrassment. "And before you judge me, they smell like heaven", i pointed my finger to the audience

"So what's your favorite scent of what you've collected so far?" "Rose and Jasmine's one of my favourites..and coincidentally, it cures alot of emotion-related issues..PERFECT for my hyper-sensitivity", i laughed

"Well, Stella, it sounds like your journey to stardom was as much about self-discovery as it was about music. And we're all grateful for the emotional outlet your songs provide us every day. Now, I know we're running out of time here, but I have to ask, any advice for aspiring singers out there dreaming of following in your footsteps?", he looked at me, curiously..

"Well, im just gonna be all boring and cliché, but its true : surround yourself with people who truly only want to see you succeed, and truly love you and cherish every moment with you. Don't try to be someone you're not, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, get a smart publicist and lawyer!", i laughed

"That's not being boring, that's being honest and wise. Those are solid pieces of advice! So, folks, there you have it, straight from the young but oh-so-wiser-than-her-years mouth of Stella Monroe. Surround yourself with good people, stay true to yourself, and get a smart publicist and lawyer. I'm starting to think maybe I need to hire you as my life coach!", he laughed. "Alright, Stella, thank you so much for joining us. It's been a real pleasure."

"No thank you for having me", i thanked as the camera panned towards the cheering audience.

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