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I woke up the next day, the light blinding my eyes. I groaned as i turned to the bedside table, looking at my phone.

austin 🤴

morning princesss 💖 have a great day

last seen 07:04 am

I wrote a reply and reacted to the text. why does he get up so early?? well opposites attract ig..

I wore my red sweater and black sweat pants making my way to the studio.


"so basically this album is like that one popular kid at high school you know?" "Oh, ok yeah makes sense", donny replied nodding his head.

"So you want 'Welcome to New York' to go like", Jack started pressing some synths. "Oh my god yes exactly!", i excitedly agreed.

I got a notification on my phone. Turns out, it was from my twitter, and it was a tweet from Kim.

Kim Kardashian                                                                                         Follow   @kimkardashian

Just heard @stellamonroe 's EP about her romance with @austinbutler. Some people overshare way too much. Not my vibe. 🙅‍♀️ #KeepItPrivate #PrivacyMatters

retweets 4.5 K                                       likes 342.8 K

How dare she...

my hand flew to my mouth. Jack looked at me with a confused expression. "Whats up?". I showed him the tweet and his eyebrows lifted. "Oh wow", he said.

Donny and Scott also got a glance at the tweet. "What. A. Bitch", Scott swore.

I scrolled down to the comments, smiling to see all the fans and my friends coming to my defense.

Becky Carolina                                                                                      Following   @beckycarolina 


Sabrina Carpenter                                                                              Following    @sabrinacarpenter

replying to @kimkardashian 🙄 ok and???

Olivia Rodrigo                                                                                       Following    @oliviarodrigo

replying to @kimkardashian  bffr are u even human? u cannot sit there and tell me that you didnt cry listening to that EP...SHES IN LOVEEEEE..LET HER BE IN LOVE

Gracie Abrams                                                                                      Following    @gracieabrams

replying to @oliviarodrigo    nah dw, this monster's never known love, leave her alone

Katy Perry                                                                                              Following     @katyperry

replying to @kimkardashian  as an artist, shes doing things i couldnt imagine myself doing, i couldnt dream of crafting and releasing a whole ep 2 months after a sold out world tour..i could not even think about singing a song i wrote 2 FUCKING HOURS AGO, TO A STADIUM FULL OF PEOPLE..i hate to break it to u, but she is, and continues to be the best in the game, if u dont like her, keep it to urself, but dont u dare go around criticizing her art...ur embarrassing urself 😐

Harry Styles                                                                                         Following       @harrystyles

replying to @kimkardashian  Respect for artists' perspectives. Keep making your mark, @stellamonroe. 🎶 #SupportingTalent

Louis Tomlinson                                                                                Following       @louistomlinson

replying to @kimkardashian   🖕🖕

Austin Butler                                                                                      Following        @austinbutler

replying to @kimkardashian   hey, kim, so sorry u didnt feel the emotions @stellamonroe attempted to convey, music's about expressing real emotions. Maybe one day you'll vibe with it. 😉🎶

I thought about how when i got in the industry, everyone told me to be careful of the friends i made since they'd try to use me for fame and stuff. I feel like everything worked out tho. They've never once used me.

i replied too, cause i felt the need to explain my side of this.

Stella Monroe                                                                                                                 @stellamonroe

Hi @kimkardarshian and everyone who tweeted or rather "criticized" my EP. I dont care. I dont care if you post something like "its not my cup of tea" or "its not my vibe" but to straight up criticize it saying that i 'overshare too much'? Why? because im a celebrity? Hot take coming from you in my opinion 🙄 u dont see me criticizing KUWTK once your new season came out. I didnt like the show, i didnt post about it on every platform i had because i knew other people liked it.....the worst kind of person is one that makes someone feel dumb, crazy or stupid for liking something..just because something's cliché, it doesnt mean that its not awesome

u dont have to like my music, im not forcing you to listen to it. At the end of the day im just doing my job, and you're choosing to listen to it. 🤙

retweets 6.5 K                                            likes 782.8 K


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