"The drought was the very worst,
when the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst
It was months and months of back and forth,
You're still all over me
Like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore"
Stella Monroe, a radiant 18-year-old Ameri...
i was covered with a blanket, sipping warm soup gracie's mother made. i stared at my phone, trying to hold back sobs. If he even cared, he'd at least tell me to sleep or something. If he cared..cause it was 4 in the morning.
But i dont think i'll ever sleep after this. Being fooled twice? TWICE? by two different people? Honestly what the fuck was i doing wrong? Why is it cause i was too religious and wanted to save my purity? is it cause i was ugly?
what was the reason?
was i too fat?
what did i do wrong?
what did i not give you that she did? what did i fail to do as a girlfriend???
what do i keep doing wrong? cause there must be a fucking reason why ALL my relationships always end in my boyfriend cheating on me...tell me so i dont hv to go through this pain any longer
baby, dont blame yourself
this is all my fault..just me
we need to talk..im coming to california.. thats where ur at ryt?
"DONT U FUCKING ANSWER IT!" "BUT HE JUST WANTS TO TALK! I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT WENT WRONG! I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY IT ENDED!". Sabrina and Gracie looked at each other with worried looks on their faces.
Sab sighed. "Ok, fine. tell him where to find you. But pls dont get back with him", she pleaded.."Ok...", i whispered as my thumbs hovered over the letters.
yeah, california..
killatrav just posted to their story
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liked by beckycarolina.kelce, sabrinacarpenter and 8,921,883 others
killatrav my little french fry @beckycarolina.kelce tall, blonde and gorgeous 🤗🌹
beckycarolina.kelce i love u too 🤙🤘🥂 here's to us
selenagomez shes so prettyyyyyy
beckycarolina.kelce no you're so pretty 😜