Chapter 28

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Damn my periods for making me act like a sixteen year old getting attention from her high school crush for the first time.

After Isaac left last night, I contemplated a lot on what I should do next, fighting with him is exhausting and there's still more than five months left before we get divorced. He basically controls my life and I hate it, he told me he'd make my life hell and he was keeping his promise.

I did something I shouldn't have done, atleast the rational part of my brain warned me against it because Isaac is supposed to be my enemy right? But then hormones kicked in and I swallowed my pride and bargained with the devil. I'm surprised he agreed to it and was even more surprised by the fact that he hugged me back and let me help him with the tie.

God whatever happened this morning between me and him was so embarrassing, what was I thinking going into his room like that?

The only relief I feel right now is that he agreed on us being friends, which means we might stop fighting with each other and start having decent conversations. Okay, I'll thank my period and stupid fucking hormones for giving me the courage to face the devil and strike a deal with him.

Thank you!

After Isaac left for work I crawled back into my room and started with my proofreading job but my mind kept getting distracted because of the cramps I was getting, oh I hate this part and time of the month. After somehow finishing my job for the day I crawl into bed with a cup of tea and remember something that made me swear out loud.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I hissed, I need to go buy tampons! How can I forget something so important?! I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried to come up with a plan because I wasn't in the mood to go out right now. Can I ask Isaac for it? The thought left my mind as soon as it appeared.

Groaning I kept the cup of tea on the bedside table and got out of bed, it's no use, I have to go get the tampons for myself. There's no other way... damn periods!

Slowly I got dressed to go out, well my condition wasn't this bad in the morning but now I feel like I could use some help. Especially because of my migraine from which I haven't fully recovered yet, add to that the stress that my husband brings in my life and voila! The perfect combo to break my bodily spirit.

I was feeling a bit lightheaded and the dull ache in my head wasn't helping me focus on anything, not to mention the fucking cramps I was getting because of my periods.

I check the time on my phone, it's 7 o'clock, Isaac will be home in a few minutes, maybe I can ask him... we've agreed on being friends after all, right?

I hear the front door open and slowly but steadily go downstairs to greet my husband.

"Hey" I greet him as he tries to walk by me but stands still once he notices me.

"Hi" he said with a little awkwardness, this whole thing is new for us, we're both so used to arguing with each other that this feels like a dream or something.

"Can you... I mean- I" what the fuck is wrong with me?! Get your shit together Amber!

"Is everything alright?" he asked in concern, wow, this is new.

My period has embarrassed me enough today but she wasn't done yet, I experienced a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and my face twisted in pain. What the fuck?!

I stumbled a little but Isaac caught my arm "Are you okay?" he asked again and I nodded.

"I'm okay" I managed to say "It's just my period" I winced as I experienced another cramp... motherfucker!

"Oh" he said with understanding "Do you need something?" he asked guiding me towards the couch and I shook my head no... it's official, I've lost it.

"I mean yes, I mean- I need.... I forgot to get tampons beforehand, can you get them for me?" I asked and the look of disbelief on his face instantly made me regret my words, my cheeks heated up and the embarrassment I felt right now was something else.

"You know what? Forget I said anything" I said getting up from the couch but he didn't let me.

"You should relax, it's okay, I'll get them for you" he said with a gentleness I've never heard from him before.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief and jumped in his embrace "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you" I said giving a light peck on his cheek, I was so relieved by the fact that I won't have to go out in this condition that I forgot what I was doing.

I backed away instantly but he didn't let me, he looked just as shocked as I was with a hint of red tinting his cheeks and I swear I haven't seen someone who's so dangerous look adorable like this.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" I said in utter embarrassment but he simply shrugged "It's alright, remember we're friends? And friends can hug each other, help each other and be there for each other" he spoke softly and my heart fluttered.

He slowly let go of my hand which he was holding up until now to stop me from distancing myself from him and stood up.

"I'll be right back" he said "Do you need anything else?"

I shook my head yet again, but then decided to make a request, he's in a good mood, he'll get it for me I'm sure.

"Chocolates would be good though" I said in a sheepish manner "Of course" came his reply and with giving me a small smile, he turned around and walked towards the main door. I felt bad that he had to head out after just returning from work but it's not my fault that my period is such a bitch. If I stepped out of the house right now, I'm sure I wouldn't have made it to the store before fainting on the way.

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