Chapter 29

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I found her curled up and asleep on the couch when I returned with what she asked me for. It's so weird to think that we were fighting yesterday and today we're acting like a real couple.

She stirred a little in her sleep before opening her eyes, she looked at me lazily and gave a small smile before sitting up and making space for me.

"So you got the stuff?" she asked and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at her, what does she think is inside the bag? I handed the bag to her and she started looking inside it like a kid... good thing I didn't forget her chocolates. The relief that came across her face when she took out the bars of chocolate was quite evident.

"Oh my God, thank you! I love these" she said with the chocolates in her hands, completely ignoring the tampons.

"Hope you didn't have to go through much trouble for this" she said opening the packaging of the chocolate and I simply shrugged before saying "Getting the chocolates was easy but the tampons gave me a headache, an old lady helped me out" I admitted truthfully and her eyes went wide.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through this, you should've called me you know, or I should've given you the details... oh my God I'm such an idiot" she started blabbering and I had to put my index finger on her lips to shush her.

"Hey it's okay, didn't we agree on being friends just this morning? Can't a friend help out his friend in need?" I asked staring into those beautiful eyes of hers, I now know why people are so attracted to her, it's not just her outer beauty which takes one's breath away but it's the pure innocence in her that attracts you towards her, it's like her soul hasn't been touched by all the corruption in this world.

My index finger was still on her lips as I stared at her, I've never before felt such an urgency to kiss someone, to get a taste of their lips, to take their breath away. We both stared at each other and I know her mind was going to the exact same place as mine.

"Ma'am the dinner is ready" came Christine's voice as she appeared infront of us, damn it Christine! I removed my finger and we both created a fair amount of distance between us.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I'll just go" Christine said before rushing back to the kitchen after ruining a perfect moment, I cleared my throat "Hope you're feeling well now" she gave me a nod but it wasn't convincing.

"Do you want me to call our family doctor?" I asked genuinely concerned and she shook her head no. "I'll be fine by tomorrow, the first day is always the worst you know, plus my migraine is acting like a bitch as well so I'm a little bummed out but this will help I'm sure" she said holding up a chocolate bar in her hand and I giggled.

"Yea you can eat that but let's eat dinner first" I suggested and she gave me the cutest pout I've ever seen on a human being "What's wrong?" I asked.

"What if I told you I'm not in the mood for dinner?" she suggested "Then I'll simply force feed you" I replied in all seriousness and her face fell "Relax, I'm kidding" I clarified further and she gave a sigh of relief.

"Tell me what you're planning on eating instead of our regular dinner? If you were craving something you should've told Christine to make it for you, actually she could still do that" I said in all earnestness.

"No... I'm not hungry, that's all. The only craving I had was of chocolates and you got those for me so yes, I think I'll be happy with eating chocolates for dinner" she tried to reason and I shook my head, yea she's mad to think eating chocolate bars for dinner is healthy or sufficient.

"Come on, eat a little bit of whatever Christine has cooked then you can eat all the chocolate you want" I suggested and she huffed before giving in "Fine but if she has made brocolli then I'm not eating" she said standing up in annoyance. Has she always been this cute or is this a first? The way our relationship has changed in the past 24 hours is baffling to say the least.

Thankfully Christine didn't cook brocolli for dinner and I was able to persuade her to eat a decent amount of food before she could go back to her room and enjoy her chocolates in peace. I made sure to check in on her twice to see if she was okay and both the times I saw her, she was fast asleep.

Seeing her sleep alone, seeing the state that she's in made guilt crawl up my chest. I've been nothing but rude to her, the way I've trapped her in this house and the way I've imposed all these rules and regulations on her made me feel pathetic. I've made her life a living hell and yet here she is, trying to be friends with a devil like me. She's already been through hell and I'm here planning on how to trap her. Giving her a fucking ultimatum so that she stays with me for six more months and then consoling my heart by saying that I'm doing this for my father when it's pretty clear to me now that I want her for myself, that maybe I want to give us a shot, maybe I want to see where this goes and maybe Ethan was right.

After listening to everything about her from dad, after knowing the truth about our marriage being something that was fixed before we both even knew the meaning of marriage and after knowing how even someone like dad took advantage of the vulnerable state of her mind when he made her agree to marrying me and how she must've felt when she found out just how cruel and devil like her husband is. Maybe I should try to correct this, we still have more than five months together, that'll be enough for me to get to know her, to earn her forgiveness and to see if we could be something in the future.

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