|Chap 61|

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At night, Under the open sky

"Yes? Why did you call me here?"

"He's back yoongi"


"The man whom you were searching for, for years and the same man who was trying to kill me, My blood, Mr. Park Jihan"

"Your dad?"


"How did you find out?"

"He contacted me"

"He contacted you? Why? What does he need now from you after leaving you half dead on the street?"

"He didn't leave me for fun Yoongi, I was nothing but a toy to him..he just make me do anything he wants me to do, I was an ace of his game. He always used me to get the information, why do you think I'm too good to gather information?"

"I know Jimin"

"You don't know anything.. Anyways let me get straight to the point. He called me saying that he needs me in his group and give sentimental shits"

"So are you here to tell me that you're going to your dad's gang? That dad who abandoned you, left you bleeding on the street?"

"Yes I'm going to his gang, I'm going to join him"

"are you for real? you're not going to do this Jimin I swear."

"I already decided"

"JIMIN.. remember that day! You were dying and your father didn't even beats an eye, he left you and ran away. I was the one
Who saved you, treated you, gave you shelter, food and took care of you and now you're betraying me?"



"let me join him yoongi.. I can be your trump card, golden one"

My eyebrows twitched in confusion

"What do you mean?"

"I'll Betray, but not you"

"You.. you mean you're gonna betray him?"

"Hmm it's over for him.. I'll make him pay for all his sins"

"Jimin.. OH GOD! You almost gave me a heartattack"

"Yeah yeah"

I hugged him tightly when he patted my back

"Now don't be clingy. I don't like it"

"Neither do I" I backed off when he smiled.

"Did I give you shock? Woah such a good actor I am. I should be in acting line rather than this"

"Yeah yeah you should be in acting line"

He giggled.. It's been a long I've seen him giggling. Now a days he doesn't smile much.
It's good to see him smiling

"Now I should go"

"No..Stay here for a bit more. I called Jungkook too. Let's spend some time, it's been a long"


"I heard you've set 2 bodyguards for yn, and Namjoon is also busy with his Art exhibition, such a jerk, his wife is kidnapped and he's doing an art exhibition!!"

He rolled his eyes and made me chuckle "so don't worry about her. She'll be fine"

"Ain't you gonna lecture me about leaving yn today?"

CANVAS OF THE HEARTS ♥︎ A NAMJOON FFWhere stories live. Discover now