Platform 9 and 3/4

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Third Person:

It had been a long summer for Sirius as his mother's tormenting had not stopped for the entire summer. He was happier than ever before to return back to Hogwarts. He had arrived on the platform before any of the other marauders and had made his way to sit in their usual carriage.

Sirius' thoughts of his dark summer were interrupted as James walked through the carriage door, shouting as he did so, "Sirius! Mate, it's been forever, how was your summer?"

Sirius' POV:

Peter stood sheepishly behind him and smiled at me, "Hey Sirius, good summer?"

"Yeah, it was alright, pretty boring to be honest" I lied as I met James' enormous hug in the middle of the carriage. I'd never told anyone how my mother truly was to me, not even James. He knew she was horrible and that she mistreated me but not the extent that she did.

James and Peter sat opposite me as I returned to my seat. Talk turned away from the summer and to the approaching school year and the many pranks James and Peter had spent the summer thinking of.

James explained excitedly, "Basically, it's going to be huge, Snivilus will be left crying for his mummy!" Peter and him bursting into laughter as I chuckled slightly.

"That does sound like a pretty amazing prank to be fair." A soft voice called from the door, my head turned to greet the face.

"Remus!" James shouted out. "Heard from you even less than Black this summer!"

"Yeah sorry about that, I've been busy" Remus said calmly. I examined his face, there was a light reminant of a bruise covering his face and his nose was more crooked than it had seemed before the summer. As he sat beside me I could faintly smell cigarette smoke alongside the comforting smell of Remus. He limped slightly as he walked. It had been the full moon just a few days before, I didn't bring it up though. My hand reached up and ruffled his hair as I said gently,

"Thought you might have forgotten us!"

"Ah, I could never forget you" his voice replied as our eyes met for just a second.

As he said this, the train pulled away from the station and James opened the window and waved his parents goodbye. I had always been somewhat envious of his perfect family, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter were the most perfect parents you could ever dream of having. I had stayed there last Christmas with Remus and James, with Peter spending the days with us as he lived right next door to James. Seeing what I wish I could have for parents had sent a sinking feeling to my chest and it returned now as they stood together waving James goodbye. A happy family, something I felt I would never have.

I heard Remus sigh lightly beside me, I knew he understood, he didn't have what James and Peter did either. I didn't know much about his family or even where he lived, but I knew his family were not like James' or Peter's.

He turned to me and asked, "You haven't done the potions essay have you? Sluggy will kill me if I haven't done it by Monday."

"Oh Remus, will you never learn? But yes, I have, I'll help you later, if you'd like?" I replied in a mock parental tone.

"Oh, Black, you're a life saver" he said with a smile, but his eyes didn't light up like they usually did, I decided to think nothing of it, he was probably tired after the full moon.

I had spent my summer locked up in my room, I quickly got through all my homework and had to find other ways to spend my holidays. I had taken to reading muggle books, I had particularly fallen in love with gothic literature. I snuck out of the house whenever I could and to the muggle Library to read books in peace. Though I would never tell my friends that, I had a bad boy persona to keep up.

I leant against the window of the carriage as the English countryside sped past. I faced Remus and I glanced at his face, the scar that ran across his cheek and nose, into his amber eyes with their specks of chocolate brown. He smiled at James listening as he rambled on about how beautiful Lily had looked on the platform.

His head turned from James towards the carriage door just before it opened and Lily appeared in its place. "Hi Remus, are you ready? The meetings about to start." She said in a calm cheerful tone.

Remus groaned, "Yeah, alright" he sighed as he stood.

"What's this?" James asked curiously.

"Yeah... What meet- Oh, ohhhh, REMUS LUPIN  ARE YOU A PREFECT?" I said realising.

He groaned again, "Yeah..."

"Oh I can't believe this!" I said struggling to breathe with laughter.

"This is amazing!" James explained, "You can make sure we don't get into trouble and help us get away with our many amazing pranks."

"James" Lily interrupted, "Remus will not be doing that! Now come on, we really must go" She said pulling him out of the carriage.

"I can't believe Remus's a prefect" I said still unable to stop laughing.

885 words

Sorry if this has been very crap, I don't really have a plan, I'm just winging it ngl, hopefully it'll bring me some joy, if there's mistakes in the plot, let me know, I'm not very involved in the community, I just read it so. Thanks for reading if you did though!!

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